The Visitor_Texas 1863_1869 Read online

Page 28

  “Not really, I’m just trying to convince you that you need to leave the room with me. I really could care less whether or not he’s happy.” He kept his eyes on Dominic. “Do you know your eyes darken when you are aroused?” She blinked and then blushed. He laughed and escorted her out to the balcony where a server handed them both a glass of Champaign. Meeks had his hand on her elbow as they walked along the balcony as the sound of the violin rose up from the patio below them.

  “Meeks, did you just remove me from the room?”

  “I did.”

  She smiled. “And will my husband rescue me or should I merely submit to your charms?”

  “Your husband knows there is nowhere allowing for such dalliances so he will patiently wait and do a slow burn.”

  “Are you intentionally goading him?”

  He kissed her. “I am only interested in looking in your eyes while you are in my arms.”

  “Do you love me?”

  “Without question.”

  “Would you give up other women for me?”

  “I would give them up tonight if you merely asked me to.”

  She looked away and he could see the shimmer of the tears across her eyes as she took in her breath. He took away her glass and handed her a full one before leading her back to the landing. Dominic met them at the bottom and asked her if she was ready to leave. It took them another hour to get to the carriage but she was in no rush since the night was absolutely wonderful. Garnett and James finally made it out of the mansion and they went back to the hotel.

  Over coffee the next morning, Dominic told Mirisa that he and James had to head to Washington and wanted to know if she wanted to come or stay in Richmond.

  “Why is James going with you?”

  “I need his expertise in finances for what needs to be done.”

  “Can you not just send a courier?”

  Meeks looked over the paper at her as Garnett poured a cup of coffee and sat down across from them.

  “No. We’re close enough that it is better if we handle it personally.”

  “This could not have been expected since our trip wasn’t.” Mirisa sipped on her hot tea wondering whether the envelope that was slipped to him at the ball had anything to do with this errand. “Would I get to spend time with you in Washington?”

  “Not much. We have a lot of business meetings set up.”

  “Then I believe I should stay here since I don’t want Matthew travelling in the cold and am concerned with our returning through the mountains.” Matthew looked up at her but she limited his access to her thoughts for he was too young and repeated too many things. “I think I will move to the apartments. When are you leaving?”

  “I prefer you stay at the hotel.”

  “The apartments are larger and I am capable of living without room service though I find it an extremely nice luxury.”

  “I’ll have everything moved this afternoon but I would still feel better if you stayed here.”

  She put Matthew in the children’s room and was amazed that her father had never taken out any of the toys or books that were on the shelves. She found her dollhouse and all her favorite things. She knelt down and opened the house to find her journals and little books. She loved her father for all the little things he did.

  Dominic and James left before sunrise the next morning and said they would be back in a few days depending on how things went. Garnett was surprised when he learned about the assignment but more so that he decided to do the assignment with James. Dominic didn’t have the expertise to handle the job but arguing was wasted on deaf ears.


  THE BLIZZARD CAME down through the Shenandoah Valley and blanketed the foothills from New York through Georgia. The conditions in Richmond continued to deteriorate through the afternoon. Mirisa sat in the window seat with Matthew reading a book until he fell asleep. She tidied up the room then walked out into the living room to find them drawing maps and talking about the land in Colorado. Mirisa bent over and took off her shoes and then curled her feet under her picking up Meeks’ whisky and sipped it. He got up and brought back another glass and picked up the drawing pencil making another line that ran parallel to the southern branch of the river. Mirisa had never been left with Garnett and asked why James went to Washington and not him. He gave her an explanation that didn’t make a lot of sense but she accepted it. The three of them spent the evening talking about the ranch in Texas and why they wanted to move to Colorado.

  “Are you going to move every five years?”

  “We have no real plans that I am aware of but the Texas ranch is running itself.”

  “But I don’t want to move all the time.”

  Garnett laughed. “Well, you do have a home in Natchez.”

  “Then I would see my husband whenever the wind blew him by?”

  “Many women live that way and still continue to have and raise a family.”

  “I am not many women nor do I wish to be a single parent. Children need their fathers as much as their mothers but I can hardly travel around the country dragging along a passel of children.”

  Meeks looked at her seriously. “How many is a passel?”

  She smiled. “More than one I guess.”

  “Will you have my children?”

  “Garnett, I honestly think you would be happier finding someone to marry and settle down but I am beginning to think that none of you are capable of settling down with one woman.”

  “I’ve been married and it didn’t work.”

  “Maybe it wasn’t the right woman.”

  “Maybe but I still want you to have my children.”


  “Because you are beautiful and you put your son before anything else.”

  “I’m not unusual. There are many wonderful women who will be good mothers and there is now a lack of good men to marry.”

  “I’m not in love with those women.”

  “You shouldn’t be in love with me.”

  “Then you shouldn’t be so beautiful.”

  Mirisa laughed before she leaned over and kissed Garnett’s cheek. “Thank you.”

  The snow started letting up on the third day but the city was covered with a thick blanket that made the night seem non-existent. It was only the occasional person who took to the streets in an attempt to reach another destination for the roads were impassible by either carriage or horseback. Meeks asked them if they wanted to take Matthew out sledding. They all bundled up and headed up the hill to the Capital where they found hundreds of people sledding. Garnett borrowed a sled slipping the young boy a silver coin and he took Matthew down the small hills. His little cheeks were so red that Mirisa made him stand near the bonfire every few rides to warm up. Meeks finally wrapped his arms around her rubbing her arms because she was starting to shake from the cold which was penetrating their clothes. “I think we need to head back.”

  Garnett gave the sled back to the children and Meeks picked Matthew up and carried him piggyback to the apartments. They made hot chocolate with cinnamon toast and sat in front of the fire warming up. The weather started turning warmer and more and more people were venturing out and establishments opened back up for business. They went out to dinner the next night and then brought Mirisa and Matthew back to the apartment before heading out for a game of cards. She put him to bed and sat in front of the fire reading a book.

  Garnett decided he needed a lot more then cards and found someone to keep him company for the night. Meeks played cards until late than headed back to the apartment. He found Mirisa asleep on the couch and checked on Matthew making sure he was covered before adding wood in the little fireplace in his room. He enjoyed the quiet of the apartments but he struggled with the things that fought with his better sense. He poured a shot and sat down across from her.

  She turned over dropping the book which woke her. She started to get up and realized he was sitting there. “Where’s Garnett?”

  “Decided to spend the night out.�
� The only light in the room was from the fireplace. He never took his eyes off of her nor did he say anything. Meeks put down his glass, stood up and took her hand. He felt her tremble when he touched her. Mirisa closed her eyes and tried to get enough control to tell him goodnight. He watched her struggle before he picked her up and walked into his room closing the door.


  “It’s too late Mirisa.” He reached out and touched her. She was starting to resist so he didn’t move but he didn’t let go either. She reached up and put her hands on his chest as if to stop him but he still didn’t move nor did he look away. Mirisa started to say something then stopped as her heart seemed to be constricting. Meeks reached up and turned her face to him. He gently slipped her dressing gown off her shoulders and then removed her hands from his chest holding her fingertips momentarily as her gown fell to the floor.

  His eyes took in every curve of her body, every angle of her face and the soft sound of her voice as she said his name again. Meeks felt her struggled with her emotions as he picked her up and gently laid her on the bed. With every touch she reacted and he knew morally she was in the battle of her life. Meeks held her arms above her head and kissed her and each time he kissed her there was less resistance as her breath became shallower. Meeks knew eventually she would give into the physical reaction because it was her deep emotions that were taking control. He took in the sweet smell of her reaction as it mingled with the rose soap she always used.

  Meeks ran his hand down the inside of her arm until he reached her hip and she shuttered from just the touch as he leaned into her kissing her tenderly as her hands went around his neck bringing her up to him. He slid his hand behind her back as his lips moved slowly down her neck than back to her lips. The years of touching her as she passed and kissing her were released in a passion that he found hard to control. He whispered her name before he told her that he loved her. Meeks stood up and took off his clothes as she watched and when he came back down to her she gave in to him with a desire that was so shameless and a heart that was pleading. Never in her life had she been taken with such passion that she wanted to consume every movement, every nuance and every touch of his lips. Mirisa surrendered to him with a freedom that he had never experienced from a woman as the room faded and she took him to a place of unbelievable ecstasy.

  Meeks made love to her for hours before he realized that this was the only thing in his life that he would never regret because it was the first time he had ever made love to a woman. She fell asleep in his arms and he thought he would certainly go to hell but he just didn’t care. He finally picked her up and put Mirisa in her own bed and closed the door before checking on Matthew.

  James and Dominic arrived at the Plantation the first part of April which was months later than they had planned. Mirisa was sitting on the veranda drinking tea and listening to Matthew read a book. He looked up when he heard his father’s voice putting the book on the table and running into the foyer. She listened to their conversation before Dominic stepped out onto the veranda. He bent over and kissed her telling her he needed to clean up. She nodded and rocked slowly.

  James finally came out with his hair wet and his shirt unbuttoned. He leaned over and kissed her cheek before sitting down in the rocking chair as Mrs. Chauvin brought out a tray of fresh fish sandwiches and iced tea. James thanked her turning his attention to Mirisa.

  “You look well rested. How was your trip home?”

  “It was an adventure and I am sure that Matthew will tell you every detail of the train including riding in the engine.”

  He picked up a glass and tasted it before setting it back down. “I’m sorry we were tied up in Washington for so long.”

  “It actually has given Matthew and me a lot of time to unwind and enjoy a normal life without having to take care of so many demanding men.”

  James laughed. “I didn’t realize that we taxed you so much. It will be nice to be back in Texas.”

  “I have decided to stay in Natchez until the baby is born.”

  “You’re pregnant?”

  She smiled. “I am.”

  “Congratulations. Have you told Dominic?”

  “No. He only said hello before he headed upstairs to wash up.”

  James nodded. “It explains the glow in your face. When is the baby due?”

  “The doctor said sometime in September.” She watched as he calculated the months. “The doctor believes it may be twins this time.”

  “I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you as well.”

  Matthew came bounding out of the house with dog as Dominic told him to not run. Dominic stepped onto the veranda and took in the fresh air as Matthew ran down into the garden playing chase with dog. He squatted down next to Mirisa and brushed the hair out of her eyes as he kissed her.

  “I missed both of you. How have you been?”

  “We missed you too but we have had a wonderful springtime. It has been so long since I have enjoyed our home as the countryside comes alive.”

  “We’re staying a week before we head back to the ranch.”

  “I’ve decided to stay at the Plantation with Matthew.”

  “Darling, I have missed you way too much to leave you and Matthew here.”

  She laughed and reached over for his hand and put it on her stomach.

  “You’re pregnant?”

  “I am.”

  “When?” She started laughing and told him that if he couldn’t figure it out than he really was losing his abilities. He told her that if that was the case he was not going to allow her to go to Texas until the baby was born. “Have you seen the doctor?”

  “I have seen him several times and he says the babies will be here in September.”


  “The doctor believes I am carrying twins.”

  Dominic stood up and sat down in the chair on the other side of Mirisa. “Then you are not going to travel while you are pregnant. Unfortunately, James and I have to return to the ranch but you will be in good hands here. They will make sure you take care of yourself and help taking care of Matthew.” She agreed as he stood up and fixed a plate handing it to her. He fixed his own as Matthew ran back up the steps climbing up in the chair so he could reach a sandwich.

  “Matthew, please use a plate for your lunch.”

  “Okay.” James reached over and put a plate in front of him.

  Matthew spent the next hour telling them about the train ride in great detail and told his father that his mother bought him a pony so he could practice riding on his own but it wasn’t as pretty as his Texas pony. Dominic took his hand and they went to the stable to see his pony and Mirisa rocked wondering why it didn’t surprise her that after three months Dominic could walk in and pick up where they left off.

  Dominic and James rode hard arriving at the ranch in the early afternoon of the third day. Senior Gomez took the horses as James headed to the adobe to clean up and unpack. The week stay at the Plantation made the trip easier and he was glad to be back in Texas. He picked up a bottle and glass and went out to the porch putting his feet on the railing. The river was overflowing and running rapidly which meant the ponds and tributaries would be bountiful.

  Garnett stepped up on the porch as Meeks tied up his horse. “James, we were beginning to think that you had decided to stay in Virginia.”

  “So was I. It was a larger job than I anticipated but they recovered most of the embezzled money and the secretary was arrested. I have come to the conclusion that our country has no conscience or scruples.”

  Meeks went in to clean up as Garnett poured a shot as he unbuckled his gun hanging it over the chair as James passed him the bottle.

  “Anything interesting happen?”

  “Not really. It’s been real quiet around here. We haven’t been working the ranch other than riding down in the mornings to go over the books or handle small issues. We decided to give everyone a higher salary since our profits have been exceptional

  “Probably a good decision.”

  “Meeks finished plotting out all of the eastern property and more of the men are building houses and settling down. I think we’re going to have more children than foals born this year. We also have sent out inquiries regarding the sale of the ranch and surprisingly Tom Ross has expressed interest not so much in the horse aspect as much as the land north of the ranch. Tom Jr. has been working with our foreman and is courting a cute little girl from town but his father doesn’t think he’s ready to handle a large ranch since he is so love struck.” Garnett looked around James toward Dominic’s house. “Is anyone cooking tonight?”

  “I’m your only choice and frankly I am too tired to even look in the kitchen to see how bad it looks.”

  Garnett slowly buttoned his shirt. “We’ve been either eating at the bunkhouse or at the tavern so the kitchen has been unfortunately dark. A good peach pie right now would be nice.”

  Meeks stepped out in only jeans and leaned against the railing. “Why are you the only choice?”

  “Mirisa is at the Plantation.”

  They both waited but James didn’t seem to want to start the conversation. “Did you come back alone?”

  “No. Dominic is at the house probably cleaning up. It was a dry dusty ride through Louisiana. I told him I was heading to the card room tonight but frankly I could do with a good night’s sleep.”

  “The card room is closed down right now.”


  “There was a serious outbreak that disrupted work and the doctor said it should be closed until the last man was given a clear record. We thought at first that the women brought it in but it turns out several of the men had been down in Mexico. We had to bring in a team to clean the card room from top to bottom.”

  James started laughing. “And how long are you two on restriction?”

  “Funny thing is that after such a long absence the quality of girls had taken a decidedly decline so we have been taking time off to go to the larger cities. It’s nice to play poker to win instead of just placating the men.”