The Visitor 1862 Read online

Page 17

  “That is why she was sitting at the other end of the table tonight.”

  Dominic gave up for he knew he would never win when they were in this mood. After dinner, the doors were folded back opening up the small ballroom. Once the tables were cleared, they were moved and the violinist began to play. Mirisa found the dancing more enjoyable as she stepped out onto the floor with Mr. Ross. At the end of the waltz he surrendered her to another guest and joined Dominic near the doorway.

  “I don’t know Dominic. Do you think you have enough energy to keep up with her?”

  “As long as I have enough friends who like to dance, I think I’ll survive.” Garnett poured Tom a shot of whisky and they all saluted Dominic again.

  “Well then may you learn to have a sense of humor.”

  After an hour, Dominic decided that he needed to dance with his wife. He walked out and took her away from her partner and waltzed her out into the center of the room. His eyes never left hers and if there was such a thing as seduction on the dance floor then they were all witnessing it. James smiled and Meeks nodded. He was teaching her well. The women were talking behind their hands but she didn’t care and apparently he didn’t either as he finished the dance by pulling her into his arms and kissing her. She asked to be excused and made her way out onto the veranda where the cool breeze washed over her. She didn’t notice Garnett sitting in the shadow. “You are incredibly beautiful.”

  She turned and looked at him. “Thank you.”

  He took a sip of his whisky as she reached down taking his glass, took a sip and handed it back.

  “You shouldn’t drink whisky. It’s too dangerous of a habit.” He took another sip as she watched him. The empty bottle was next to his chair and his eyes held her completely captive. “You should know that even though I disapproved of Dominic’s advances toward you, I would have done the same given the chance.”

  Dominic came out onto the porch and handed her a cup of punch. He could feel the electricity between them but imagined it had more to do with the whisky. Mirisa excused herself and returned to the ballroom leaving them alone on the veranda. James caught her as she came in and took her out onto the floor. He held her tight as she looked up studying his boyish good looks and absolutely impish grin.

  “I think drinking and your wife under the moonlight is probably a bad combination.” Garnett leaned forward in his chair holding his glass between both hands. “I still don’t approve.”

  “I know. “ He trusted Garnett with his life and he knew that the war would keep them in the field more than around Mirisa. “Sometimes I think I am just tired of being gone all the time.”

  “Well that would be a good decision if we weren’t in the middle of a war.”

  “Right. I think we should go make sure James is behaving.”

  The party went a lot later into the night but the guest were jovial as they bid their goodnights and holiday wishes. Mirisa stood on the front stoop with Dominic as the last carriage went down the driveway.

  “The guys are spending the night. They are a little too drunk to stay on their horses.” She leaned against him as he kissed her cheek.

  “I’m tired. Would you mind if I retire for the evening?”

  “Of course I don’t.”

  She kissed him then headed up the stairs as he walked out onto the veranda and took a seat between Garnett and Meeks as James filled everyone in on the issues that occurred during their last assignment. They sat up late and knew the next month was going to be taxing on all of them. Dominic finally slid into bed and pulled Mirisa up to him but she never moved. He was going to miss her when he was gone.

  CHRISTMAS morning brought a cold wind but the skies were clear. She woke to find herself alone in bed. Sliding her feet over the edge, the room began to spin. When she tried to stand she lost her balance and slid down to the floor. She had to remember not to drink for it was obvious that the next morning was not worth it. After thirty minutes she gingerly made her way down to the dining room where she found the four of them having a hearty breakfast. The smell was so nauseous that she thought she should just turn around but instead she fixed herself a cup of coffee and sat at the opposite end of the table away from the food.

  “Good morning Mirisa.” She looked at them as though they were strangers. Dominic was kicked back but watching her intently. When she didn’t respond, Dominic said softly. “Mirisa?”

  “I love you too Dominic but I am horribly sick.”

  It really took everything in his power to keep a straight face but the boys just couldn’t do it and broke out laughing.

  “I am certainly glad you believe this is funny.”

  Garnett smiled. “Mirisa, it is the reason you should not drink whisky.”

  “Well I did and you let me so how do I get rid of this?” She looked as though she was going to pass out at the table.

  Dominic got up and went into the kitchen to get her something for her head. While he was out of the room, Meeks handed her his glass and told her to take a small sip because that was the only way she would get rid of the headache. She took a sip and Meeks sat back down as Dominic came in with a glass of juice telling her to drink it. He bent over and kissed her.

  “Happy Birthday.”

  She looked at him and started to cry. They all simultaneously rolled their eyes and went back to their breakfast. Dominic crouched down next to her chair and talked to her softly until she stopped crying. They found his behavior extremely interesting since he had never shown any type of compassion for anyone in his life.

  “I promise.” Her response to whatever he said intrigued them but they knew that he was trying to keep her from coming too much into their world though they had no idea how he was going to achieve it. He stood as the server came in and placed a plate of ham and biscuits at the other end of the table. He helped her rise and put his hand on her back as Garnett pulled out her chair.

  “After breakfast I would like to give you your birthday present.”

  “Is it jewelry?”

  “It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you.”

  Her headache had started to dissipate so she cut her biscuit, buttered it on one side and placed a slice of ham on it. Meeks watched her as she cut it in half then picked it up with her fingers.

  “I don’t believe I have ever seen anyone eat a biscuit in that manner.”

  “What manner is that?”

  “With the ham in the center though I think it looks appetizing.”

  She picked up the other half reached across the table and put it on his plate. He didn’t take his eyes off of hers nor did anyone at the table as she licked the butter off of her fingers. He picked it up and took a bite before complimenting Dominic on a well aged sweet ham.

  “We had an over abundance of suckling’s this spring so they were butchered young.”

  “It is sweet because Miss Minnie dries it in her Deep South sugar honey coating.”

  Dominic laughed. “I didn’t realize you were working so hard. I must chastise the cook for treating you like the help.”

  “Oh no, you must not.” She fixed another and put half on Garnett’s plate and handed the other half to James. “If not for their allowing me to be part of the household, I would have definitely been beside myself and I learned so much about cooking and herbs.”

  “But you are now the mistress of the house when I am away.”

  “Which means I can do what I want?”

  “This means you need to be able to run the household. The help is to serve you not the other way around.”

  “I do not believe I wish to become lazy and fat in your absence. Unless, of course, it is your hope that I become like other wives who do nothing but birth babies and gossip over tea.”

  “Mirisa?” She turned to Garnett as he pushed his plate away. She waited for him to finish. “Your ham is perfect.”

  “Thank you. Do all of you have a room here? I slept in the one next to Dominic’s during the storm. It had a very peacefulness to it

  Dominic smiled. “That room is where James sleeps. Everyone has a room on the second floor since we frequently work late into the night.”

  “Then drinking is working?”

  “No, drinking makes working long hours tolerable.”

  “How can you drink so much and not be sick?”

  “We’re men.”

  “I don’t think that’s an answer but obviously there is some truth to it. James I think you must have a good heart.”

  “Talking to you is like listening to different conversations at the same time.”

  She laughed then sat back sipping on her coffee. They moved out to the veranda and James walked down into the garden and set empty whisky bottles on the garden wall. She sat down next to Garnett and watched as they started shooting the bottles off the wall. She had never seen anyone actually draw a gun from a holster. Garnett reached over and entwined his fingers with hers as she turned her attention to him before he released her hand.

  “Dominic, can I shoot a gun?”

  James turned back around to her and looked at Dominic with the expression that he didn’t say anything to her.

  “I don’t know if anyone would be safe if you had a gun in your hands.”

  “But you promised you would never say no to me.”

  Meeks took a shot and centered the bottle. “She’s got you there Dominic. That’s why you never promise a woman anything you don’t want to deliver.” He beckoned to Mirisa who walked down and stood between him and James. Garnett watched from the porch but thought that even that might not be a safe place despite being behind them. Dominic stood on the steps and decided to let them try to handle this one.

  Meeks stood behind her and brought both of her hands up around the gun. He slowly moved his hands out from over hers but the weight immediately pulled her arms down. He put his hand under her wrist and brought the gun back up so that it was aimed at the wall. You could tell he was patiently instructing her because she kept shaking her head in acknowledgment. He told her to spread her feet more and when she did the gun dropped down again so he brought it back up. She squeezed the trigger with all her strength and when it finally fired it threw her back against Meeks who was not expecting it causing them both to fall.

  James who was close enough to hear the conversation holstered his gun and walked away unable to keep a straight face. Dominic was laughing so hard that tears were running down his face. Meeks picked her up, took his gun holstering it and said he needed a drink.

  She dusted off her skirt as she watched him walk away. “Did I hit anything?”

  “Yes darling, I think you may have gotten a goose with that shot.” Meeks just smiled and lit his cigar off of Dominic’s then sat down on the step.

  Mirisa lifted her skirts and climbed back up onto the veranda as Mrs. Chauvin set down a tray of hot tea. She offered them a cup but they all politely declined.

  “Mirisa.” She looked up at Dominic knowing that sometimes he said her name just so she would look at him. “We have an invitation for Christmas dinner at the Lightfoot’s and I really wanted to give you your present in private but it appears the boys want to share the day with us.” They all waited to see how she would respond.

  “Did they get me a birthday present too?” He didn’t think she could have said anything that would have affected all of them in the same manner as that did. Dominic was leaning up against the post when the stable boy came around the corner leading a small Palouse horse. The front of the mare was all chestnut with the back and rear having the spotted coat pattern. Her face was spotted and her mane and tail were a darker chestnut. She was outfitted with a small cutter saddle that was hand tooled with her initials around the horn. Mirisa put down her cup watching the horse then turned to Dominic.

  “Mirisa, I swear to God if you start crying I will not give you another thing.” She swallowed the lump in her throat and walked up to him burying her face in his shirt. Garnett wondered when she came from an extremely large and wealthy family, why such simple things seemed to touch her so deeply. She seemed so mature at times but most of the time she was a mere child discovering a whole new world around her.

  She stepped off the veranda and walked over to the horse. The stable boy handed her the reins then tipped his hat as she thanked him.

  “Nice mare, Dominic.” Garnett was running his hand under her belly then up her neck. Next to a man’s sidearm, the horse was probably the most important thing in life. In fact, men spent more time picking out a horse then they did picking a wife. She listened as they discussed the breed, how small she was and the beauty of the new saddle.

  “Can I ride her?” Mirisa was nuzzling her or maybe the mare was nuzzling Mirisa.

  “Not dressed like that.” He pulled her into his arms. “Happy birthday.”

  “Can I have a gun too?”

  They all said ‘no’ at the same time and she just smiled knowing that they didn’t mean it. Well, maybe they did but they would change their minds in time. Next time she would know that when someone said plant your feet that he actually meant it. Mirisa and Jasmine had set up a holiday tree next to the hearth in the kitchen which had presents for everyone who worked in the house and the stables. The main tree was in the front parlor. She told them that a light lunch would be served later in the parlor but she needed to be excused to open gifts with the staff. They sat on the veranda drinking and enjoying the day as they listened to the laughter coming from the kitchen. Dominic left her to enjoy the time exchanging gifts knowing that she was also helping to cook.

  “She seems more at ease with your household then I am.”

  “I have found that they are far more giving and protective of her then they are of me.”

  “Then it should be easier to leave her alone.”

  “I’m not sure that it will be. I think I’ll need to have whoever is not on the assignment stay close to her.”

  Meeks blew several smoke rings in a row before responding. “Then she has become an assignment.”

  They all thought about it a moment and agreed. Mirisa stepped out onto the porch and announced that lunch was being served in the parlor. The server brought in several large trays then a bottle of wine. Dominic picked up the bottle and opened it allowing it to breathe while James picked up the cover from one tray to find a large platter of cold smoked fish, fresh corn fritters, pickled eggs and hot bread. He picked up a fritter and tasted it.

  “This is not something that Miss Minnie generally serves.”

  “Do you eat here often James?”

  “I have been eating in her kitchen since I was a small kid.”

  “Then you grew up here?”

  “In Natchez or in this house?” She looked at him quizzically. “I moved here when I was young and was raised by my mother. This was my second home.”

  She nodded. “And did all of you grow up here?”

  “No, just James and I grew up in Natchez.”

  “I never knew anything existed beyond the mountains. I mean I studied but I didn’t think it would be like this.”

  Meeks picked up a plate and put food on it. “What is it like Mirisa?”

  “It is a very nurturing place or it was when I lived here alone but it holds many, many stories.”


  “No, ghosts are scary and drag around chains and things. This house has a history that sucks you in and won’t let you go.”

  Garnett caught Dominic’s eye and he just shook his head. James found her description interesting because they had all stayed in the house enough times to know what she was feeling but knew it was easier to change the subject then to bring up the memories from the nights he would sleep here as a child. He shook it off as though it was something he could physically touch.

  “Did you smoke the fish?”

  She turned to James realizing that she had said something out loud that she had never even said to herself. “Yes. The fishing this summer was plentiful and it was fun to learn how to smoke them. The e
ggs are fresh for you don’t want to leave them in the pickling long or you lose the taste of the eggs. Before the storm the chickens were laying good eggs but they are not really happy with Dominic moving the coop to the other side of the big barn.”

  Dominic laughed as he began pouring the wine. “They are not happy?”

  “No not at all. They are used to talking to me in the morning when I collect the eggs and feed them. They are so far away now that I can’t spend time with them.”

  “I don’t want the coop near the house.”

  “Are you saying no?”

  James laughed so hard that Dominic wanted to kick him. “Mirisa, I will not move the coop back by the house.”

  “Then I shall have to get up very early every morning leaving you alone in that big bed to go feed them.”

  “Mirisa, we have helpers to do the chores.”

  “They aren’t laying many eggs because they are upset.”

  “Then we’ll prepare them for dinner and buy new laying chickens.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “Minnie makes great fried chicken.”

  He handed her a glass of wine as she pondered whether to respond or assume he was just needling her. Both Meeks and James watched as she struggled with whether to retort and thought she was too easy to read and they knew at that point she would not continue the argument with them sitting there. She stood and walked over to the tree bending down slowly then picking up several packages which she handed to each of them.

  “I don’t know what you do but I know that you are out there. I wrote the name of the herb or salve on the package so you know what they are and how to use them if needed. I feel like I have known all of you forever and yet I know it has only been weeks.”

  James opened his to find a small hand tooled leather pouch and inside was a dozen little waxed envelopes which were some of the most important herbs and plants that were vital if you were sick or injured. “This is a very thoughtful gift.” Rarely was James speechless much less humbled and it had been a long, long time since something had touched him so personally. “Thank you.” Mirisa gave them each a similar bag but each had different herbs.