The Visitor 1862 Read online

Page 16

  No one took their eyes off of her as Rev. Covington began the service. She held so tightly to Dominic that he thought he would never be able to remove her grip. When the Reverend asked for the ring, Dominic took out a small gold band and placed it on her finger as he told her that he loved her. It was obviously a mistake as her bottom lip started to quiver and tears welled up in her eyes. As they were pronounced man and wife, every woman in the church was dabbing at tears and the men were wondering if Dominic was the luckiest man alive or just plain crazy.

  He pulled her slowly toward him, wiped the tears off of her cheeks and kissed her as though it were the first time. He had no idea how this inexperienced, naïve little girl could have brought him to his knees in such a short period of time.

  “Well Mrs. Lanfear, what would you like to do now?” He held both her hands in his as she looked at him quizzically.

  “I’m hungry; you didn’t let me eat breakfast.”

  “I guess it will be lunch at the Tavern then.” He stepped off the alter as everyone shook his hand and Mirisa thought how wonderful it must be to have so many genuine friends. As she was watching him, James picked her up by the waist and twirled her around then kissed her.

  “Welcome to the family.” She laughed and put her arms around his neck holding him tight. It took them all by surprise but it was obvious that it was affecting James.

  “James don’t even go there.”

  He laughed as he released her. “Well she is a married woman you know.”

  As they walked out onto the steps of the church, they were greeted by many of the townsfolk wishing them the best. Mrs. Lightfoot, of course, was engaged in at least ten conversations at one time and no doubt describing the ceremony second by second but she didn’t have to describe the bride since she was standing on the top step for everyone to see. The Reverend came out behind them and wished her well.

  “I didn’t think I would ever see him walk down the aisle. The Lord works in mysterious ways indeed.”

  Garnett picked up her cape and placed it in the carriage as Dominic picked her up and carried her down the steps putting her down next to the carriage. He took off his coat and helped her climb in. The carriage turned and headed for the Tavern which was only a few blocks away.

  When she walked through the door with him she realized that it was set up just for their wedding lunch and her bottom lip began to quiver again. Standing on the other side of her, Meeks reached up touching her lip. “Darling, are you going to cry every time he does something?” She looked at him, put her arms around his neck and without thinking his arms went around her as he ran his finger along her cheek. Dominic reached back to untangle her knowing it was going to be difficult enough to keep them away from her with her encouraging their behavior. Meeks never thought any woman could stir feelings in him like she did but he didn’t think it had anything to do with her beauty as much as her passion.

  The luncheon was very elegant with more people then attended the wedding. Mrs. Lightfoot sat down next to her and asked if her parents knew she was getting married to Dominic. She said that Dominic had sent word to her father but there wasn’t enough time to wait for an answer. There was a light reproach but Mirisa didn’t mind because she knew the reaction from her mother would be far worse. Mrs. Lightfoot leaned in to not be overheard and asked her what she meant by not enough time. Mirisa was puzzled so Mrs. Lightfoot was more direct, woman to woman of course. Mrs. Ross leaned forward so that she would not miss the response.

  “Dominic must leave on business and I would assume that it is dangerous out there so he didn’t want to wait.”

  “But dear, you have known him less than a month. I believe it would have been more appropriate for a longer period of courting. I mean we just love Dominic to death though I would not let any of them near my daughters.” She waived her hand toward the four friends and Meeks watching the exchanged raised his glass mockingly. “They are not what I would consider proper husband material at all.” Mrs. Ross agreed wholeheartedly.

  Dominic came up behind her and asked the ladies if he could have her for a moment. After they walked away from the table, the women discussed the fact that she was too young to get married and that Dominic had taken full advantage of her situation. They should have taken more interest in her after she arrived but until Dominic came home they were unaware that she had been living at the Plantation. Word had already been sent to her mother by Mrs. Lightfoot about the dangers of Dominic living under the same roof as this young child and she feared that his haste in marrying her had more to do with his knowing that the family would not only object but stop his intentions of having his way with her. Of course, she did come from a family of very independent women on her father’s side and no doubt being the only daughter had great influence on her father’s affections.

  Dominic and Mirisa spent another hour saying goodbye then found themselves alone with Garnett, Meeks and James. Meeks pulled out the bottle of good whisky and started pouring shots. They all lit a cigar and toasted first the bride, then the loss of Dominic’s freedom, then the past, their unbreakable friendship and finally for a quick end to the war. Mirisa was leaning up against Dominic who had one arm around her waist. She knew he wouldn’t let her drink in public so she just listened and watched the way they interacted and joked with one another. For some reason she felt like she knew them all intimately. They finally helped her into the carriage, wished them well before heading to the best saloon under the hill where the women were loose and cards were fast.

  THE DAYS blended into weeks and Dominic and Mirisa were inseparable. They had taken to spending a lot of time just getting to know each other in the quiet hours of the night. They were so spontaneous that Mrs. Chauvin would just close the doors as she walked by since it was obvious they were unaware of others in the house.

  On Christmas week two letters arrived with the bundle of mail. One was from her mother and the other from her father. She had written to both of them following the wedding but wasn’t anxious to read either response. Dominic picked up the letters and asked her which one she wanted to read first.

  “I guess my mothers. She will be far more critical then my father.” He slid the letter opener under the seal and handed it to her.

  “Dearest Mirisa.” Mirisa looked at the envelope then back at the letter. “It is from my grandmother.”

  I am sorry to let you know that your mother has been of ill health and we have put her in a sanitarium until I receive word from your father as to his desire regarding her treatment. She did receive your letter which I am sorry to inform you was more then she could handle. I would caution you to not provide her with any further information on your present position.

  I would also bid you to reconsider your actions for you are such a young woman though in this war many have made the decision to wed post haste. As you are aware, your grandfather and I did not approve of your parents desire to marry all to no avail. We did advise him of our concerns but I believe it is time that I be forthcoming to you. Your mother has been ill most of her life and though she would have long periods of normalcy when the sickness attacks there is little that can be done other than to provide her with utmost care. Your father actually met her while she was in residence at the same facility where he was doing his internship and she was so beautiful. I can only assume that as a young impressionable doctor that he believed he could cure her ailments which was honorable but which we knew was not a possibility.

  I feel responsible for so much sadness and heartache you have endured and which your mother is not responsible for she has no control of the demons that ravage her. Your mother will not get better but hopefully as she ages she will find a way to make peace with it.

  I do not know the gentleman you have married or the reasons that you made this decision. If you believe it was in error, then I am more than capable of bringing you to Philadelphia and ending it with my barristers. I am getting on in years and my heart aches for your grandfather so the only thing I ca
n hope for you is the best in life. I have advised my barristers to set up an account in your name should the need ever arise that you need same. All of my love to you my special child. Your grandmother

  Mirisa folded it back up and then looked at Dominic. He picked up the other letter and opened it. Her father went on about how he assumed her mother would react, how the war was going, news on her brothers, thanking her for the generous and thoughtful Christmas presents and closed it saying he was not happy with her news but hoped that Dominic would take responsibility for not only her happiness but her safety. He ended the letter with his love and support. Mirisa picked up Dominic’s glass of whisky taking a sip then put her head on his shoulder.

  “Dominic, do you love me?”

  “Why do you ask?”

  “Because I need to hear it. Because everyone who knows you seems to believe there is no love between us.”

  “Mirisa, I love you so much that even I am surprised.”


  “What darling?”

  “I love you more than all the stars in the sky. I don’t ever want to breathe unless you are with me.”

  He kissed the top of her head and took a sip of the whisky.


  “What sweetheart?”

  “Nothing, I just like your voice.”

  He knew she was too young to be confident of his love and the constant reminders of her age by others didn’t help her to believe what she was feeling. He held her tight and she fell asleep in his arms.

  Garnett showed up the next morning and found Dominic in the library working. He closed the ledgers and asked Garnett to close the door. They sat in the library for over an hour. Mirisa busied herself knowing that when the door was closed it meant he wanted privacy and she knew that he now had one more person to worry about. She went into the kitchen to speak to Miss Minnie about the potion they had talked about.

  “I don’t understand why you want to hold off those babies when you are young and healthy. I do believe that we would love to see little ones filling up the home.”

  “I don’t want to bring children into the world while we are at war. Dominic has enough on his mind without worrying about me carrying babies.” She picked up a hot biscuit and buttered it. “And I don’t know if I am ready.”

  “Sometimes ready doesn’t wait for you but this should keep you if that is your desire. I caution you to go a full cycle before beginning to take it and then not miss a day.” She handed her a small bottle then took a piece of paper out of her apron. “I won’t always be here but you must always remember to follow it without changes.”

  Mirisa looked at the paper then folded it in her pocket with the vial. “Thank you.”

  “You shall have children when the time is right, you shall give Mr. Lanfear the son he desires and you shall be the heart and soul of your children even though some will travel far and some shall stay near. Love your sons but cherish your daughters.”

  Mirisa hugged her and left the kitchen thinking about what she said. Dominic and Garnett found her curled up in a big chair on the veranda with a cup of hot tea. Her journal was open on her lap but she was day dreaming. Garnett bent over and picked up the journal reading the open pages.

  “Are you studying botany?”

  She looked up and wondered what it would be like to kiss him. He smiled as though she had said it out loud which made her divert her eyes as she answered. “I have had a lot of time on my hands this last year but my father has always grown and made his own medicines.” She looked back into his eyes as he seemed to just hold her captive.

  “It is a good thing to learn but whatever you do don’t start James on the subject.”

  “Is he a botanist?”

  “Depends on who you ask.”

  She looked at Dominic who was leaning on the railing watching them interact. She didn’t know how she ended up married to him when he was so handsome. She knew just by the way he touched her that he had a lot of experience with women and not in a proper way. They all gave off an allure that she found irresistible, dangerous and very wrong.

  “Have you been friends long?”

  Garnett laughed because she had a habit of changing subjects with no warning as though whatever you were talking about was boring her. “Long enough.”

  “You’re very much like Dominic. You don’t answer a question with any detail just a general response. I must believe that it is something men do but I’m not sure yet.”

  “We all went to VMI together so we’ve been friends a while.”

  “You know my brother then and if so”, she turned back to Dominic, “you know Colonel Smith because he went to school with my brother.”

  They both watched her but neither responded. She nodded. “Well, I have a lot to do before the guests arrive tonight. If you will both excuse me.” She stood, kissed Dominic and went into the house.

  Garnett blew a smoke ring then sat back. “I don’t know Dominic; she is awfully young and very naïve.”

  “It’s part of her allure. In fact, I think it is what captured me from the first night she slept in the house.”

  “I thought you just met her.”

  “I’ve been home on and off but never stayed long enough for her to be aware of me. She didn’t meet me until Thanksgiving.”

  “Well, I hope she has stamina because this war is going to test her resolve.”

  DOMINIC held Mirisa’s arm as they descended the stairs to find Garnett talking with Meeks. The house was decorated from top to bottom. Mirisa felt so alive and so in love. She mingled while on the arm of her husband and the reception of her new position was going both ways. Many of the older women didn’t think she would last a month before running home to her mother but most of the men in the room knew that she had the same spunk and loyalty that was her father. Mirisa didn’t care because she knew next to him was where she was supposed to be.

  Dinner was served at 8 o’clock. Dominic escorted her into the dining room and when he tried to sit her at the end of the table she shook her head and walked down to the other end where she usually sat. Dominic was confused because during social dinners she was supposed to sit at the other end of the table. He stood there holding the chair out looking at her. Meeks stood against the doorframe with James and Garnett watching them.

  “Who will take odds on whether or not she sits where she’s supposed to rather than where she wants to?”

  James snorted. “No one in their right mind would take odds on her. I give Dominic another 30 seconds before he walks down and holds out her chair.” As he finished the sentence, Dominic walked down to the other end of the table and pulled out the chair for her as she smiled. Meeks was laughing so hard that when Dominic looked over all three of them lost control. He kissed her cheek and sat down as the trio pushed away from the doorway and took their seats as the servers began serving the guests.


  She looked over at Meeks and batted her eyes deliberately. “Yes, Mr. Meeks.”

  He smiled then had to repress a grin. “How do you find married life with our good friend?”

  She looked at Dominic who had a sense of foreboding and gave her what he hoped was a pleading look. She turned back to Meeks. “Well, if we ever get out of the bed chambers I will let you know.” James, who had just taken a sip of his soup almost choked and Meeks nodded. “Thank you for asking.”

  James excused himself and left the room in an effort to control himself but every time he tried to come back he would break out in riotous laughter. Dominic looked at Mirisa. “Are you happy now?”

  “Yes Dominic, I enjoy being close to you.” Everyone in the room was watching and wondering what was so funny. She smiled at them sweetly then tasted her soup. James finally made it back but had to avoid looking at Dominic. The dinner was very formal and even though Dominic had wine served she kept picking up his whisky and sipping on it. This little thing didn’t escape notice at all but they knew if she kept it up she would be drunk i
n no time. Garnett caught Dominic’s eye and nodded in her direction.

  Dominic reached over and took the glass away from her putting it on the other side of his plate. She looked at him as he leaned over and told her getting drunk with a house full of guests wasn’t going to happen. She turned and looked at Garnett scrunching up her nose. “That wasn’t fair.”

  Tom Ross leaned forward. “Dominic, is it possible that I can sit on that end next year?” Meeks who excused himself as the servers were clearing for the next course. No doubt the boys had been drinking long before they showed up and no doubt they intended to be the life of the party tonight considering their hostess was more than willing to play. Dominic excused himself and stepped out onto the veranda lighting his cigar. Meeks was sitting on the railing and James was standing with his arms crossed sipping on a glass of whisky.

  “Do you two have no manners left at all?”

  They both smiled and congratulated him once again on his marriage but this time with sincerity.

  “We weren’t sure that this marriage was a good thing but we have since decided that it is poetic justice that we just can’t believe we are around to enjoy it.” Meeks held up his glass as a toast.

  “Well, I am glad that I am able to provide such entertainment for my guests.”

  Garnett joined them with the bottle of whisky and filled everyone’s glass before raising his glass to Dominic.

  “Do the three of you plan on getting drunk tonight?”

  “Absolutely not, we’re just trying to get rid of this before your wife finds out we have taken it off the table. She is doing a great job entertaining your friends.”

  Meeks slapped Dominic on the back. “Don’t worry, now all you have to do is teach her how to shoot straight and we’ll let her ride.”

  “My ass she will ride.”