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The Visitor 1862 Page 21

  “And before six weeks ago, your husband was a single gentleman.”

  She thought about it as a blush washed across her cheeks and she realized that this woman knew not only her husband but probably these two quite well. She thanked the proprietor turned and walked out the door. James and Meeks both rolled their eyes before following her down the boardwalk as she slipped into the cobblers shop. They began to follow her in when she stopped them and said she would meet them at 8:00 for dinner but didn’t need their assistance any longer.

  James watched as the door shut. “She’s not serious.”

  “Sounded serious to me. I think you just successfully redirected her anger from Dominic to us.”

  They lit their cigars and stood watching the people coming in and out of the stores. When she came out, she walked past them, crossed the street without looking and started up the steps of the Tavern. Meeks went around her to open the door and she thanked him before entering. She stopped at the desk and asked if they had another room but the inn keeper told her they were full unless she wanted to share a room with another guest. James stood on one side of her and Meeks on the other side was leaning on the front desk.

  “Are you two protecting me or just planning on irritating me the rest of the night?”

  “I believe we need an agreement.”

  “And why do we need an agreement James?”

  “You know you definitely are more beautiful when you’re angry but that is beside the point. You cannot get angry at me if you expect me to answer your questions honestly.”

  She thanked the inn keeper and tucked her gloves in her bag pulling the strings tight. “Well then maybe you should lie to me.”

  “Is that what you want?” She looked at him as the tears started to fill her eyes and her bottom lip started to quiver. He knew the answer as well as she did.

  “I think tonight we’ll have dinner brought up to the room.”

  She nodded and he took her elbow escorting her up the stairs as Meeks went into the restaurant to order dinner. When he came into the room Mirisa was sitting in the middle of James’ bed while James shuffled the cards. Her hair was tied back loosely and she wore only a thin blouse and riding pants. He put the bottle on the table then went into his room as her eyes followed him. He came back out wearing a different shirt.

  “Meeks where is your home?”

  He pulled a chair around before reaching for James’ cigar to light his own. He studied her for a moment then blew a perfect smoke ring which held her attention as it rose and slowly lost form before disappearing. “New York.”

  She turned back to him. “That explains why you have impeccable taste.”

  “Are you being observant or curious?”

  “Both. I am sorry that I put you both on the spot because it’s not your responsibility to make me understand my own husband. I believe, as my father has always lectured me, I must learn patience.”

  “You change subjects more frequent then a small child.”

  “Where in New York?”

  “The city. I was born and raised there.”

  She turned to James. “I know you lived here but were you born here?”

  “No, I am as well from New York City but my father moved us here when I was young.”

  James started dealing the cards as Meeks filled her glass. They played for several rounds. “What do you do for a living? I mean, do you work?”

  “We’re both investors and Garnett is an attorney.”

  “Are all of you wealthy?”

  “Why do you ask? Are you tired of Dominic already?”

  “No, but he doesn’t talk to me about any of you which I find strange since it is apparent that the four of you are very close friends.”

  “I think you need to worry about the cards in your hand because you haven’t won tonight and I don’t know whether your credit is good enough to front you more money.”

  DOMINIC headed east off the road through the woods and Garnett immediately headed toward the river. The unit was just coming around the bend of the road and split to follow both through the woods without even hesitating. Training would make it an interesting night but experience would win.

  They knew the countryside like the back of their hand and knew that there was nothing better in life then the confidence that came from knowing. Dominic’s horse flew over the terrain as though it had never left the road. He had never lost Dominic in a tight spot nor would he. They came down along the large feeder stream and immediately took to the water knowing when to get out because of the depth and when to get back in. The two soldiers following him fell further behind but they knew he would go for the water to cover their tracks.

  They immediately left the bank at a full gallop and ran the shallow water. Dominic could hear the sound of the water as the horses flew. When it dropped off suddenly they found themselves knee deep and the horses lost all momentum. Dominic never slowed down and he had never felt as good as he did that very moment. Some men were made for a quiet life, some were good at what they did but Dominic had an inner beast that fed on being on the edge of death. He planned to live hard, live well and live long.

  He pulled out of the stream and headed toward the back end of Natchez dismounted at the rear of the Tavern and handed the tether of his horse to the young kitchen boy sitting on the steps. He flipped him a gold coin and told him to take the horse down to the stable and cool him down.

  “Yes sir.” He hopped on the horse as Dominic took the back steps two at a time avoiding the front of the Tavern and went straight to James’ room.

  James got up to open the door and Dominic pushed him aside as he entered. He was already stripping off his gun and clothes reaching into the closet for a dry shirt. As he was buttoning up his shirt, he looked up and saw Mirisa sitting in the middle of James’ bed with cards in her hand and a strange look on her face. He walked over and put his hand under her chin.

  “You shouldn’t be sitting in another man’s bedroom drinking whisky and playing cards.” He kissed her and left the room. He found the Sheriff in the lobby and handed him a cigar as they stepped out onto the veranda. As they stood there waiting, two soldiers reined in their horses which looked like they had been rode hard. Sheriff Katts tipped his hat.

  “Gentlemen, what brings you out so late at night?”

  They were breathing heavily and if looks were any indication they were beyond angry. “Two horsemen broke through our blockade and we lost one in the creek.”

  “Do you need my help looking for him?” He puffed on the cigar and Dominic worked on bringing his heart rate down.

  “Yes, you can tell us who just came into or through town.”

  “Well, I’ll try to help. What was his description?”

  The Colonel was too pissed to put up with the Sheriff. “If I knew that I would not need help, would I?”

  “Well, I really don’t know how I can help find someone when you have no idea who you are looking for in the first place. You said several horses; did you catch the other one?”

  “He went the other way but I am sure that they have him by now.”

  “I am sure. I have great confidence in the men of blue.”

  The Colonel came up out of his saddle and his friend grabbed his arm and pulled him back down. “I’m sure you do.” They turned their horses and headed back north.

  “Well, Dominic I would say that you certainly exercised the army tonight son. Remind me that I need to buy you a drink.” Dominic smiled. “Where is your sidekick?”

  “I imagine enjoying a leisurely ride in the moonlight with a redhead.” The Sheriff nodded then tipped his hat and headed down the steps.

  “Guess I better check to make sure everyone is snugly in their beds before I head home. See you in the morn.”

  “Sheriff.” Dominic stood there for a few minutes taking in the night before he headed upstairs.

  Mirisa was still sitting in the middle of the bed nursing a whisky when he came back in. James and Meeks were kicked
back near the window which meant they had been eaves dropping.

  “Do you think they were using her as bait?”

  “Possibly. It is something I didn’t even consider which could have been a fatal mistake had they been able to shoot worth a damn.” He pulled Mirisa up and when he did she started crying. The boys just rolled their eyes because here they thought she was adjusting while he was gone but obviously it was his presence that made her emotional. Good thing they didn’t all react that way.

  “Let me know when Garnett shows up. I think I need to have a talk with my wife about her drinking.” He picked her up, grabbed the bottle of whisky as she buried her head in the hollow of his neck. He kicked the door shut and threw her on the bed which took her off guard. She took his face in her hands to kiss him but he wasn’t in the mood for softness and he let her know that as long as he existed that she would never be in control.

  Mirisa fell asleep as Dominic got dressed and returned to James’ room where they sat up talking about the incident until the sun started to rise. Meeks told Dominic that it was time for them to take the lead since he and Garnett were being watching too closely. Dominic didn’t agree but said the way things were heading it was going to be impossible for anyone to sit back much longer.

  GARNETT could hear the men as they closed in on him. At least three of them were on his tail and though he would normally have outrun them two riders made it difficult. He turned at the river and raced along the path that was used by the Plantation owners to go to and from the docks. After passing the Ross Plantation, he entered the stretch of woods that separated it from Dominic’s house. He slipped off his horse, handed the reins to Maggie and told her to continue south to the next house where she would find the stable just beyond it. She left immediately and he took off at a run toward an overgrown oak tree. He jumped over the large root that came up over the bank and into the little stream by the bridge. He knew they would continue to follow the horse and when they first approached the bridge he fired a shot that went right between them. They pulled up their horses which caused one horse to rear up and throw off its rider. They all hit the ground while pulling their pistols. The silence that followed made the sound of the little stream seem so idealistic. He moved his position and waited. He could hear them breathing and it was all the sound that he needed. They started to move in on the location where the shot had been fired when he stood and reduced the ranks of the Union.

  Maggie pulled up the horse when she heard the shots and for a spit second started to turn around but knew from experience to never return no matter who was in trouble. She continued and when she saw the stable beyond the house she tied up Garnett’s horse at the pen and ran for the house. The stable boy came out carrying a lantern and immediately took the gear off of the horse and started to cool him off. He turned the lantern down low and shut the stable doors barring them from the inside. The Plantation was always on alert even when Dominic was away.

  Garnett put each of the men on their horses and walked them down to the river where he dumped their bodies. They would be in New Orleans before sunrise. He stripped the horses of their gear, threw everything off the small pier and then released the horses. He backtracked through the woods to make sure nothing was left behind that would indicate anyone had been there then went into the little tunnel by the riverbank and came out in the library.

  Mrs. Chauvin came into the library as he came out of the door. “Mr. Lanfear?”

  “I’m sure he is fine.” She nodded and said good night.

  Garnett went up the stairs and opened the door to his room. Maggie was squatting before the fire. She walked over to him and could see the tension in his muscles. When she touched him he reacted so fast that she never saw what came next. He took her up against the bed post with such precision. They fell into the night in a blinding passion that was so out of control and building in tempo with each second. He released a year’s worth of pent up anger without considering whether or not she was capable of dealing with his demons.

  Dominic escorted Mirisa to breakfast where they joined James. Mirisa didn’t seem to be feeling any pain and actually ordered breakfast. Dominic, though tired, couldn’t unwind until he knew that Garnett was safe. These were the worst times when they waited for everyone to come in after an assignment.

  The Sheriff was standing in front of the jail talking to three officers who were speaking exaggeratedly and obviously were extremely upset. The Sheriff just kept listening and shaking his head. They finally mounted their horses and rode out of town in a huff. The sheriff put on his hat and walked across the street to have breakfast.

  “Morning Judge.” He took off his hat and threw it on the peg on the wall behind him. “No court this morning?”

  “None with inmates. We have hearings all afternoon where I shall so generously allow the lawyers to argue non-issues before I rule against them.” They all laughed knowing that he had the fairest courtroom in the State though if you lost your client paid dearly.

  “Good morning Mirisa. It’s nice to see such a beautiful face at the breakfast table.”

  “Good morning Sheriff.” She sipped on her tea and batted her eyes.

  James snorted. “Mirisa, please you cannot sip whisky, curse like a soldier, win at poker all night and expect the eye thing to work at the breakfast table.”

  Dominic almost fell out his chair laughing and Mirisa pulled herself up and looked at him like she had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. “Well, I do have good teachers.”

  Meeks walked up, grabbed a chair and turned it around. “Talking about me again darling?”

  Dominic looked at him as he bantered with Mirisa. “Don’t you think you are getting a little too friendly with my wife?”

  “Well Dominic, if it bothers you that much then maybe you should pay more attention to her then we do.” He signaled the waitress who brought him a cup of coffee and shot of whisky.

  Mirisa looked at him. He was almost as tall as Dominic but extremely handsome to the point of being downright beautiful. He had sensual green eyes but what she loved and hated most about him was his uncanny ability to get right to the point. James on the other hand was the most patient man she had ever met. He had a great sense of humor and had no problem showing his feelings. His eyes were bluer then even Conrad’s but when you looked into them you found overwhelming compassion. His hair was so blonde it was almost white and curled around his neck, she loved the way he was built and the way he undressed her every time she looked at him. Garnett on the other hand was very rugged like Dominic and he drew her in and scared her with his intensity at the same time. It was a very strange group of men and she was amazed how fast she had gone from enjoying the peace and solitude to being so affected by these four men.

  “Mirisa.” She turned to James waiting for him to finish. “You are blushing.”

  She lowered her eyes. Dominic looked from her to James and made note to give her more attention.

  Garnett reined his horse in front of the Tavern and they all relaxed just a little. Maggie was riding one of the Plantation horses so Dominic knew he spent the night there. They came into the dining room together but not touching at all. He introduced her to everyone at the table but used her married name and not her ‘notorious” name.

  “I have work to do this morning.” Meeks stood nodding to Mirisa as the Sheriff got up and said he had to get back to work since he had two drunks to release now that they were sober.

  Dominic got up and went to the front desk and asked that his horses be brought to the front. He returned to the table and asked Garnett if he had a moment to talk to him about a legal problem. Garnett got up from the table but didn’t make eye contact with Maggie nor touch her and walked into the bar with Dominic.

  James smiled. “Well, I sure like being left out of the conversations when it means I can sit at a table with two beautiful women.” Neither woman responded.

  “James.” Mirisa put her napkin on the table as the server refilled her co
ffee. “Would you do us the pleasure of joining us for dinner tonight? And please bring Meeks unless he has more pressing plans.”

  “We’d be honored to accept your invitation.”

  Maggie wondered what the purpose was to this slip of a girl being sent to Natchez because no one in their right mind would leave their daughter with these men. Maybe her innocence was just a rouse to make them appear to be living a normal life. Or maybe the marriage was a rouse because she was somehow valuable or maybe even an agent. Either way, Mirisa was an obstacle that she did not anticipate.

  James paid the tab and walked out with the girls. He thought Natchez would never be the same if the women took a fancy to these new clothing styles. Of course, the fact that it accentuated his most favorite part of the female anatomy made his day a little brighter. Of the two, he found Mirisa a lot more attractive because she wasn’t as hard looking and was a lot more personable. He lit his cigar and stretched. He was dead ass tired and had to get out of this habit of staying up late. Meeks walked out and put Mirisa’s packages down on the step for Dominic who just looked at them then tied them to the back of her horse. She leaned over and kissed Meeks cheek thanking him. Meeks smiled because they could all pick out Madame Clairs’ packages by the little symbol stamped on the wrapping.

  Dominic mounted his horse and waited for both girls to mount up. When they reached the Plantation, Dominic told Mirisa he had things to do and he took the horses out to the stable then rode south by himself through the Plantation. He knew he should spend time with Mirisa because her silent response said more then he liked and her growing closeness to his friends and theirs to her was irritating him more then he cared to admit.

  When he returned to the house he found Mirisa sitting out on the veranda drinking tea. He squatted down next to her and she leaned her head back against the rocker and looked at him. He could tell she had been crying so he took the cup out of her hand and took her upstairs. When he woke up it was getting dark and she wasn’t in the bed. He cleaned up and changed clothes before heading downstairs to look for her.