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The Visitor_Texas 1863_1869 Page 17

  “I’ll put the basket in the wash room. Can I get you anything else?”


  James came back to get the tray finding her curled up on the bed with a stuffed rabbit tucked under her arm. He picked up the blanket and laid it over her closing the curtains.

  Dominic looked up as he closed the door partially. “Is she still sorting?”

  “No, she fell asleep. She’s been doing that every day.” James put the tray on the counter and poured a cup of coffee and sat listening to Dominic talk about things that really were routine and unimportant in the realm of things. The traits that made him a good instructor and an excellent leader were the things that now made it hard to not tell him to move on to something more interesting. They were all aware of every aspect of running the ranch and didn’t need a constant recap.

  The most amazing thing in the box was a book on midwifery that not only gave explicit details on delivering a baby but had many crude illustrations. It took her a week to read it before she read it again.

  She sat out on the porch rubbing her ankles when James walked up and sat down across from her taking her foot in his hands and rubbing them slowly. “James, I think you need to read this book.”


  “Because I think you need to know what’s going to happen.” He flipped through it and stopped to read a page before closing the book.

  “I assume you haven’t heard from your father.”

  “No.” Mirisa put her hand on her stomach. There was only two weeks until Thanksgiving and she felt like she grew daily. Her energy had begun to drop in the late afternoons but she was becoming more restless. James reached over and placed his hand on her stomach and moved them around the side. “And is there a reason Dominic hasn’t hired a mid-wife?”

  “James, take your hands off my wife.” Dominic threw his hat on the bar and fixed a shot before he kissed her. “How do you feel?”

  “My ankles hurt.” James was still feeling her stomach.

  “James, what are you doing?”

  “If I’m going to deliver this baby, I need to map his location.” He opened the book again and read the page, put it down and put both hands on her stomach. Dominic watched him with interest. “The head is down.” He put his hand on the bottom part of her stomach. “And it’s facing away from her which according to this is good.”

  “How can you tell that?”

  “If you press you can feel the outline of the baby’s head. And when he moves you can see his little fists go across her stomach which means he’s facing out. See, you can actually see the little knuckles.” She put her hand on his and he looked up in her eyes as tears were just rolling down her cheeks. “I’m sorry did I hurt you?”


  “The baby must be making you more sensitive.”

  Meeks sat down next to her and began massaging her ankles. “How could we tell?”

  She laughed because she was scared to death and they were trying hard not to let her know that they were more afraid than her. Mirisa leaned over and said something to Meeks which made him smile.

  “Mirisa did you eat today?”

  “James, I think my stomach is growing an inch a day.”

  “You are probably right but that’s the baby growing not you and this baby has doubled in size in the last two weeks. You’re going to eat dinner tonight. I also think the baby is coming a lot sooner than we thought.”

  Dominic looked up at him. “Why do you think that?”

  “I just think she’s closer to birth then the doctor said. If she makes it through Thanksgiving dinner, we will be lucky.”

  Dominic poured another shot, lit his cigar and sat back. “I don’t think I’m ready for this.” Mirisa knew his fear was that either she or the baby would die during the birth but it was the first time he had attempted to avoid the problem rather than solve it.


  Dominic turned his attention to her and realized what he said. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean that.”

  “Dominic, I don’t think any of us are ready for this but I can’t find a way to change it.” Meeks thought that was the funniest thing he had heard in a while.

  “I think someone needs to be with you all the time.”

  “I think I am quite capable of taking care of myself and don’t need one of you underfoot all the time. If I need you, I will send Senior Gomez to find you. In the meantime, I need to go shopping.”

  “Why do you need to shop?”

  She got up and brought out a long hand written note. “Mrs. Ross tucked this list in the book. It is things that I will need after the birth.” She handed the note to James who looked over it.

  “If they don’t have it at the General Store, I am sure we can find everything in Dallas.”

  “Are you taking me to Dallas?”

  “Mirisa, you obviously didn’t hear my statement about when the baby will want to come. No you cannot go to Dallas. I’ll take you to town tomorrow and, if I need to, I will go to Dallas.”

  “But can you…”

  “Mirisa, I think if I can amass a fortune and run a ranch, I can find what is on this list.” She leaned over and kissed James thanking him.

  Meeks and James took the day off to ride to Dallas where they found everything on the list. James decided to talk to the doctor while they were in Dallas taking a lot of notes and buying things the doctor said he might need for the birth. The time was invaluable for it covered everything that the little book did not. He wrote in the margins and drew little pictures.

  The doctor reassured James that women had been dropping babies in the fields since the beginning of time and all he needed to do is make sure he wasn’t tangled up in the cord. They talked about needing a doctor closer to the ranch and the doctor assured him that he would send down anyone inquiring into moving to the area. Meeks went to the post office and sent out several telegrams to New York advising of her pending birth and the need to contact her father. As they were sitting down to dinner, the postman came in with a telegram handing it to Meeks.

  “Dr. Eppes in Virginia. He has been advised. Boys are with him and safe.”

  “That will at least ease her mind as to her family.” Meeks handed the telegram to James to read. “I should have contacted her sooner.”

  “Yeah, I forgot about her relationship but how are you going to explain this woman to Mirisa?”

  “Without details.”

  “Best approach at this point and not our job to explain her father’s life.”

  They decided to stay overnight and got back to the ranch in time for dinner. She thanked them both for the telegram and asked if they thanked the friend. They just nodded as Mirisa folded up the telegram and put it in the Bible.

  Mirisa was sleeping fitfully and when she slipped out of bed the cold stones on her feet felt good. She walked down the long hallway as Simone’ followed close to her heels. She placed her hand under her stomach looking down before she entered the kitchen. Mirisa loved the soft glow of the banked fireplace and the smells of centuries of cooking and hours of conversations.

  Mirisa poured a glass of milk and sat down in front of the fire as Simone’ curled up at her feet. She turned to the window as the storm seemed to have taken hold of the night. The woman turned slowly looking at Mirisa before she walked over and sat down across from her.

  “The Lanfear babies always seem to wake you up in the early morning hours. I don’t know what I found more comforting the feel of the stones on my bare feet or when Jacob would pull me up against him after I returned to bed.”

  Mirisa looked at Sara who was dressed in a long gown with her hair platted and hanging over one shoulder. “Were you afraid?”

  “I was but only because I was so happy and so afraid that someone would tear that happiness from me.”

  “Why are you still at the Plantation?”

  “I’m not. You have put me at the Plantation because that is where you feel safe and right now you are seeking refuge from
your fear.” Sara called to Simone’ who jumped on her lap watching Mirisa. “Trust in your instincts for childbirth is a beautiful part of being a woman.”

  Mirisa closed her eyes rocking slowly. Simone’ jumped up onto the window sill and rubbed up against Conrad. He walked over to Mirisa and put his hand across her eyes as she fell into a deep sleep.


  Mirisa was sitting on a stool in the kitchen mixing dough for a pie when James came in to wash his hands. He kissed her cheek as he put his hand on her stomach. He took the bowl away from her and held her closer as they watched the thunderstorm descend on the house with such flamboyance. She had been unusually quiet the last few days but James assumed that she was very anxious about having the baby with only them to rely on because James knew they were all extremely jumpy and getting on each other’s nerves.

  “The turkey is looking very good which is more than I can say for you. How are you feeling?”

  “I love you James.”

  Mirisa always brought him to his knees when he least expected it. “You couldn’t tell me that before you married your husband?” She put her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

  James began massaging her lower back because she had complained that it was hurting from carrying the baby. Dominic stood at the door and watched James. Dominic had also noticed her quietness and even though he tried to talk to Mirisa she just seemed to want to be held. Dominic walked in and she opened her eyes.

  “Do you think maybe you need to lie down for a while? You’ve been up for hours.” She agreed and Dominic helped her off the stool. Mirisa went into their room and curled up on the bed and immediately fell asleep. “I worry when she becomes unusually quiet.”

  James sat down on the stool. “I can’t get her to respond to anything the last few days. Even the baby has quieted down today.”

  “I should have taken her back to Mississippi to have the baby. I don’t know why I let her have her way when I know it’s wrong.”

  “Did you find a mid-wife?”

  “Yes. She agreed to move into the house tomorrow until Mirisa has the baby.”

  James nodded, put the bowl on the counter and took out the flour and rolling pin to make the pies. He struggled with the dough which kept sticking to the rolling pin but when he would peel it off it would stick to his fingers until he was ready to abandon the pies. Meeks watched for a minute advising him that Mirisa would sprinkle flour on the dough before she rolled it out. Garnett started laughing when James picked one up to put it in the oven.

  “Those are the most pathetic pies I have ever seen in my life.” They all poured a shot and toasted to the first day that Mirisa stepped out of that coach four years earlier.

  The dinner was a lot lighter than normal but none of them was feeling festive. Mirisa didn’t eat much and seemed to just want to be near Dominic. She finally got up from the table and went into the kitchen to get something when they heard the crash. They found Mirisa on her knees with her head down holding onto the counter and sobbing. Dominic bent down and touched her but she didn’t respond so he turned to James. James reached over and uncurled her fingers from the edge of the counter and she immediately grabbed his hand as though she thought she was going to fall despite already being on the floor. There was water pooled around her feet soaking into the hem of her dress. Mirisa just kept rocking and crying in feeble sobs.


  “Dominic, I think she’s in labor.” He asked Meeks to get him some towels and he put them on the floor around her. Mirisa finally let go of her grip on his hand and opened her eyes.

  “Mirisa.” Her breathing came in short and heavy breaths but Dominic knew she could hear him. “Sweetheart, what do you want us to do?” Dominic asked her if she could walk and she stood and made it two steps before the pain started again and she grabbed his arm falling as he pulled her back up and picked her up in his arms. Dominic held Mirisa until it passed. James told him to take her into the bathroom closing the door as Dominic helped Mirisa remove her wet clothes before slipping her into a cotton gown that hung on the door. He washed her face, pulled her hair back and tied it. Never had she looked so young and vulnerable. Dominic picked Mirisa up and put her on the bed as she curled up on her side with her arms wrapped around her stomach.

  “Mirisa, how long have you been in pain?” She didn’t respond. “Mirisa?”

  “Three days but they were nothing like this. James, please I don’t want to do this. Please.” Dominic felt helpless as he watched. He didn’t know whether to touch her or hold her or just leave her alone. The only thing Dominic could compare this to was being gut shot and you knew they were dying but you didn’t know if you should attempt to cut out the bullet or just die.

  James saw the pain start and told Dominic to take her hand. “Garnett, I need you to time between the pains. We’ll have to wait until this one passes.”

  Garnett took out his pocket watch and put his thumb on the stem. “How many will she have before the baby comes? And why are you timing them when it’s obvious.”

  “Because the doctor said the closer they come together the closer she is to having the baby.” He had his hands on the sides of her stomach and could actually feel the contraction receding. “Okay start timing.” The next pain started to take hold and he asked for the time.

  “A little more than two minutes.” James watched her for a moment telling her not to fight it. “I need someone to get a pan of warm water. There are some small towels under the sink I need all of them.” Garnett started to get up and he told him he had to stay and time the pains so Meeks gathered everything and put it on the table next to the bed. He returned to the kitchen and started a fresh pot of coffee and cleaned off the table. The contractions started moving fast and when Meeks came back they were less than a minute apart.

  “Do you want me to get the mid-wife or send for Mrs. Ross?”

  “I don’t think there is time. The doctor said the first one takes hours but it has been less than thirty minutes and the contractions are now…Garnett?”

  “They are down to half a minute.”

  “James.” He looked up at Mirisa but a contraction hit her so strong that she couldn’t finish the sentence. He took a damp towel and had Dominic wipe her face. “Meeks, there’s a little box in the top drawer of the dresser. I need that.” He felt her stomach. “The baby has completely dropped.” They all looked at him questioningly. “It means she is giving birth.”

  “Dropped from where?”

  “Garnett, get all the blankets and put them in front of the hearth. We need to move her to the floor.” Her fingers dug deep into Dominic’s arm sinking into his muscles like the twines of a tightening rope as he took her other hand. Dominic talked to her and knew by her reaction that the pain was worse than anything she had ever felt. James lifted her gown, despite the fact that he found it inappropriate; he didn’t have time to explain it. James sat her up and asked her if she could stand. Dominic started to object but James stopped him. “Mirisa, I need you to help.” She looked at James and nodded. Mirisa stood and he slowly walked her over to the blankets and told Dominic he needed her supported from behind because they were going to deliver the baby from a squatting position and not laying down. Meeks thought this was going to be far worse than the snake bite.

  James asked her if the baby was ready and she nodded. He pulled her gown up to above her knees and felt for the baby’s head. James looked up at her and thought she was so brave. “Mirisa, do not push until I tell you.” She nodded when a contraction started. “Dominic hold her upright. Mirisa, do not push.” James had one hand on her stomach and waited until it was almost gone and told her to push. The baby came part way out and James put both hands on it as he told her to push with everything she had. She gritted her teeth leaning into Dominic and the baby slid into James hands. James reached over and picked up a wet cloth out of the bowl and started cleaning the mucus out of the baby’s mouth as he took in his breath and started to cry
. James told Garnett to tie the twine tight around the baby’s cord near the baby afterwards he had Garnett tie another one a couple of inches away.

  “Cut the cord between them.” Garnett pulled his knife out of the fire, held the cord, put the knife under it and brought it up searing the ends with the heat. He put the knife down as James brought the baby up as he let out a healthy cry.

  “Mirisa, you have a son.”

  Meeks was so mesmerized by the whole thing that he couldn’t move. James stood handing the baby to Meeks and told him to gently clean him with warm water. Meeks just stood there holding this tiny little thing that was covered in a creamy substance as his little chest went up and down with his first breaths. He was so very little and red as he let out another cry that made everyone smile. “Garnett, help him before he drops the baby.”

  “Mirisa.” She looked at James then up at Dominic who was watching the baby. James took the baby from Meeks and finished cleaning him, wrapped him in a small blanket and took him back over to Mirisa. Then another pain hit her.

  “Why is she having more?”

  “Take the baby for a moment. I need to finish this and all of you can go and give her privacy though after this I doubt if that word will ever apply again.” Dominic kissed her and gently laid her down on the blanket. Dominic picked up the baby and the three of them left the room. They sat out in the great room trying to figure out exactly what to do with this small child who was fussing but not crying.