The Visitor_Texas 1863_1869 Read online

Page 15

  “Did you go shopping today?”

  “Yes. I also ran into Tom Jr. down by the stable. He came up with his brother to look over the stocks of pigs and chickens so I took them to lunch and they helped me pick out new seeds for the garden. They are such sweet young boys.”

  “I thought you wanted time away from men.”

  “I wanted time away from men who like to control my every thought.”

  “Is that what we do?”


  Garnett came out sitting on the other side of her putting his feet up on the table. She picked up the package and handed it to him. “I bought this at the bookstore for you.”

  Garnett unwrapped the book and turned it over to find his manuscript printed and bound. He smiled as she watched him flip through it. “I didn’t think it was printed yet.”

  “It’s one of the best stories I have ever read. I cried in the end and thought it was amazing how you take the reader with emotions and yet you are always so in control of your own.”

  Dominic looked at her. “When did you read it if you just bought it?”

  “I read it while he was writing.”

  Dominic nodded. “Why didn’t you buy several copies?”

  “I would have but this was the last copy. The shopkeeper said that they were ordering more but they wouldn’t be in for a while so I sent a telegram to the printer and ordered a couple of dozen to be shipped to the general store in town.” She leaned over and kissed Garnett. “I think you are a great story teller.”

  Tom looked up as he approached the hotel and James waved him on up. He was well dressed and as slim as he had been in VMI. Tom walked out onto the veranda and Garnett handed him a shot of whiskey.

  “I meant to tell you that cigar was damn nice, you’ll have to tell me where you buy them.” He was talking with Garnett when Mirisa came out of her room. At first, she was trying to decide why there seemed to be too many people and realized she didn’t know the man with his back to her. James saw her and thought if she dressed to entice her husband’s advances, she obviously had no idea what she did to him in the process.

  Meeks looked up as Dominic stood and put out his hand for her. Mirisa started walking toward Dominic when her brother turned and looked at her. Mirisa blinked because at first it didn’t register until he smiled. Mirisa didn’t move but her eyes were always so expressive. Tom couldn’t believe how absolutely beautiful she was. Tom reached out but Mirisa took a step back and hesitated. James found her expression interesting and it brought back memories of her face when Colonel Smith took her out on the dance floor.

  “You know, if Dominic forced you to marry him, I can shoot him right now and take you home.” Tom laughed as if making a joke but she stepped back slightly. Meeks put money on the table and they knew without asking that Meeks was betting on whether Mirisa could be a lady when it was obvious she wanted to hit Tom. Mirisa smiled sweetly as her breathing seemed to return to normal. It was a very slight change that would be easy to miss unless you spent hours studying her reactions. They always found her unpredictable and extremely interesting.

  Dominic poured her a glass of wine as the staff came in to set out the dinner. They spent an hour talking about school, the war and finally turned to her family. Tom explained that he hadn’t had any contact with his father or brothers since the war began.

  “And mother?”

  Tom turned to her. “Mother has been in a convalescence home but I am sure she’ll be fine now that the war is over. No doubt it has been especially difficult on her worrying about her children.”

  Meeks sat back as she leaned forward. “Obviously we had different mothers.”

  “Mirisa, we can discuss this later.”

  Mirisa took a sip of her wine. “There’s really nothing to discuss Tom because you were never there. If you had spent any time with mother, then you would have known that I was married. Did you know? Before you ran into my husband, did you know I was married?”


  Mirisa turned to her husband. “I love the way you say my name.” Dominic smiled as she leaned over and kissed him.

  Never in his life would Tom have thought Mirisa would end up with anyone from this group. Tom had a lot of things he needed to say to his sister but most could wait until they got back to Pennsylvania because he was taking her home.

  “And you have not heard from father?”

  “Father may have written in the beginning to let us know his decision but there was no other communication.”

  “You have not gone to look for him?”

  “Mirisa, I haven’t had time. I have had to take care of Charlie’s family as well as my own. I didn’t approve of his allowing Jed, Jes and Gus to enlist with the Virginia Calvary or even his decision to do so as a surgeon. I surely would not have accepted his decision to send you away to be with these men when you could have clearly lived with me or gone to Grandmothers. Since father was able to get mother to Philadelphia without issue, I fail to understand Father’s decision to send you elsewhere but his choices have left a lot to be desired.”

  “I believe, as my father, any decisions about me were his to make but if you knew nothing of me nor sought out any information as to my whereabouts or even health. How can you now object?”

  “Mirisa, I had a lot of responsibility. We were at war.”

  “And the war is over is it not?” Mirisa looked from one to the other before she turned back to her brother. “How is selling horses more important than finding our father?”

  The statement was directed at her brother but all of them knew she was speaking to them because no one had taken even a moment of time to look for her family.

  “I have more important responsibilities.”

  Mirisa bit her tongue for she didn’t understand how Tom would not drop everything to look for their father and brothers. Dominic interjected by telling him they had bought Mirisa a black stallion and he described it. “Was it one of yours?”

  “Yes, he’s good stock if you plan on breeding him. Of course, I will waive the price if it’s for Mirisa.”

  Mirisa bristled at Dominic diverting the conversation. “Absolutely not, Meeks can more than afford to pay for him.”

  Tom looked over at Meeks. “Why are you buying Mirisa a horse?”

  “It was my turn.”

  “You were always a very unusual group of friends.” Mirisa knew what was going through his head because she could read the disapproval on his face. “And how many children do you have?” The question caught everyone off guard except Mirisa because she knew it was probably the first thing he thought when he found out she married Dominic.

  “I have not given him any children yet.”

  Tom nodded. “I have to get up early tomorrow but I would like to have breakfast with you, alone if it’s alright with your husband.”

  Meeks smiled as the menacing look that had been on her face took on a defiance that you rarely saw on her unless you challenged her rights as a woman. Mirisa was a force to be reckoned with. You just didn’t know which tactic she would deploy to make her feelings clear. “I don’t need approval or permission.”

  Tom stood and told them all that it was great to see them again before he asked Mirisa to walk him to the door.

  “You have changed so much and have become very becoming.” He wondered why she seemed so distant. “Can you meet me at six?”

  “Of course.” Mirisa watched Tom walk away and wondered why he even feigned concern about her life. He seemed to be holding great anger toward their father. She didn’t believe it was the war; it was something personal between him and their father. Tom had been distant for some time and had probably poisoned Charlie’s mind. She turned and locked the door before heading back onto the veranda.

  “Mirisa, don’t you think that was a little hard on him?”

  “No, I knew where his questions were headed. Tom was always identical to my mother and I am so disappointed in his lack of care for our father. I don�
��t understand what my father could have done to cause him to turn his back on the family.”

  None of them responded to her and for once they knew she could read their expressions better than they could hers. How much of her life did they know? Sometimes Mirisa felt like she was living a predetermined world and no matter how hard she fought to break free, they just kept pulling her back in.

  Mirisa picked up her glass of wine and looked at Garnett. “To my favorite author.” James and Meeks looked from her to Garnett wondering why she was toasting him.

  “Did you finish the book?”

  “Finished it, submitted it and Mirisa found a copy in the bookstore today.”

  “Does this mean we can now read it?”

  Mirisa forgot how early six o’clock was but she dressed very carefully as Dominic lay in bed watching her. “Do you want me to go down with you?”

  “No, I think I can handle one brother. It’s just when they are all together that I have problems.”

  “Tom’s not real happy about us.” She crawled up on the bed and straddled him. Dominic smiled and ran his hands up the outside of her thighs to her lower back and brought her toward him. It was still dark out and he was surprised that she got up by herself. “Will you come back to bed after breakfast?”

  “Do you even need to ask?” Mirisa kissed her husband lightly, climbed back off the bed as he got up.

  “I’m going to walk you down. I don’t like the idea of you running around the hotel this early.” Dominic slipped on his pants and took a fresh shirt out of the wardrobe.

  Dominic kissed her at the door to the dining room before he headed to the stables to pay the bill and get the horses. Tom stood up as she walked into the dining room and held out her chair. “I’ve ordered breakfast for you.” The waiter came over and poured her a cup of hot tea and put a biscuit in front of her. Tom looked at him questioningly. “It’s alright; they know I don’t eat in the mornings.” Mirisa picked up her tea waiting for him to begin and she knew Tom would as she knew she would make every effort to not respond.

  “Mirisa, I want you to come home with me. I am sure that Charlie’s widow would be willing to offer you a comfortable place to stay until you find a suitable husband. You will really like her.” He held up his hand as though she was going to respond but it was unnecessary. “I don’t approve of this marriage. I know these men very well, I know their reputation both professionally and as men and quite frankly the fact that they would do this to you is despicable.”

  Tom took a sip of his coffee and put it back down waiting for his words to sink in. “There shouldn’t be any problem getting the marriage annulled what with the war and circumstances of your age and in as much as there are no children no one need ever know. I thought the fact that Father decided to serve in the war instead of staying by mother’s side was wrong and to put the boys in harm’s way was tragic. We lost Charlie because of people like Father that just couldn’t accept that life was changing. He gave up everything for nothing, for nothing. To now find out what Father did to you. He knew you were too young to be in the care of these men. They are not good men Mirisa.”

  Mirisa held her cup between her hands and just listened to Tom tell her all the reasons she must go with him. Her heart broke with every word he said. When she didn’t really respond he was encouraged. Tom looked into her eyes. “I know you think I am trying to make you do something but it’s for your own good. You will thank me when you look back on this. I can assure you that we can find you a proper gentleman.” Mirisa was biting her lower lip but there was absolutely no sign of tears in her eyes. Mirisa put down her cup.

  “Tom, it broke my heart to lose Charlie. It broke my heart to be sent away.” Tom smiled because he was convinced Mirisa understood the importance of straightening out this mess.

  “I know none of this was your fault Mirisa. I’m not trying to say that it is. They took advantage of your loneliness and age and they continue to obviously take advantage of you now. Look at the way you behave and dress. I am sure we can find you a suitable husband who will give you a comfortable home.” Tom sat back and lit his cigar.

  Of all of her brothers, the age difference between Mirisa and Tom was not only the greatest but a bond never formed. Tom’s role in their family was brief as Mirisa grew up. Tom went away to school when he was young and went on to work for their grandfather who supported his dreams of raising horses. Tom was so refined and proper but didn’t have the handsomeness that Charlie had inherited from their father. Tom was so sure of himself and so controlling that Mirisa had to swallow the words that were screaming to be released from her mind. Tom’s cockiness in his own self worth was a thousand times worse than any man she had ever met including the combination of the four men in her life.

  “Tom, I am in love with Dominic. I am happy with my life and my decisions. I am almost twenty years old and though you think that is young, it is not. Your misconception that I need a man for financial support is misplaced. So much has influenced my life that acquiescing to a man’s expectations and demands are now unacceptable to me. I shall give to life what I wish and I shall make my way in the world without the strings of society molding me into just another obedient wife or old maid.”

  “Mirisa, I will not allow you to stay in this marriage.”

  “Tom, father gave us his blessing and I need no other. I am married, I have two beautiful homes and I plan on filling them with the most beautiful children. I will not leave my husband or my home.”

  “Mirisa, your behavior is inappropriate and inexcusable.”

  “First, understand that I do not need someone’s charity as I can take care of myself. Your mere suggestion is insulting as though I am some distant, destitute cousin. I am your sister. How dare you talk to me as though you have any input into my life or my future? Since you left home, you made absolutely no effort to even inquire into my health or happiness.” Tom looked at her and shook his head.

  Standing with a deep sigh of disappointment in her words, Tom threw down his napkin with more disgust then he realized. He walked behind Mirisa and pulled out her chair as she stood. They walked out onto the steps and Tom turned back. “Please reconsider.”

  “Please let us know next time you are in Texas.” Tom mounted his horse and headed out of town. Mirisa thought how tedious life must be when it was filled with so many archaic viewpoints. How dare Tom command anything of her? Dominic watched Mirisa as he approached the hotel, climbing the steps Dominic lifted her chin. “I think you promised me sex, did you not?”

  “No, I promised to return to your bed. I don’t think sex was mentioned but I believe you promised me the world.”

  Dominic could see the tick under her eye and smiled because she always took her anger out in a delectably demanding way. “Yes, and I have been remiss in giving it to you.”

  Mirisa narrowed her eyes as she looked at Dominic seriously. When she accepted his somewhat unromantic proposal to be his wife, she truly believed over time that he would grow to be devoted to her and wish to settle down raising the family that he sought. It had taken her some time to understand that Dominic’s love was limited and his mannerisms were usually rigid except when they were making love. Having no one in which to confide, she struggled with the crumbling dreams of a perfect life and family and what should be expected as a woman bound by marriage vows. Mirisa took his hand and they returned to their room. The sun was starting to stream through the room as she turned in his arms. “Dominic?”


  “I love the way you say my name.” He kissed the top of her head. “Dominic.”

  “If you want to go to Philadelphia, I can probably clear time in the fall.”

  “No. I want my father to come for the holidays but I don’t know how to find him.”

  “Mirisa, I can get your whole family here if you want.”

  “Dominic.” The way she said it made him pull her up so she was facing him. “I want my father here to deliver the baby.”

  Dominic looked at her trying to decide what she meant. “Are you sure?”

  “About what?” He just looked at her and Mirisa smiled because Dominic couldn’t even say the word. “The doctor confirmed it yesterday.”


  “When did you get me pregnant?”

  “When do you need your father?”

  “Sometime between Thanksgiving and your birthday.”

  He kissed her softly and she laughed. “Dominic, I promise that I won’t break.” But she could see in his face that it was going to be very difficult to handle his fear and that it was an emotion that he rarely admitted even to himself. Dominic pulled Mirisa close and just held her.

  They had already ordered breakfast when Mirisa sat down at the table. Dominic stopped at the front desk so she ordered his breakfast and asked for a cup of tea with sweet rolls. Meeks put down the newspaper as they started to serve breakfast. Their relationship was still very strained not from the night of the card room robbery but the fragileness of her reaction when he looked at her.


  “Yes, Mirisa.”

  “Thank you for the stallion.”

  “You’re welcome.” Meeks stirred his coffee slowly. “I assume that you are going to charge a handsome stud fee for him.”

  “I am.”

  “And do you know what you are going to charge?”

  “No, but I am sure that you will pay me whatever I ask since he is a strong vibrant male much like the four of you.”

  “I get no credits for having purchased him?”

  She smiled. “Garnett never asked for credits.”

  “Garnett did not buy you a stud.”

  “And was it your expectations of saving money that drove the reason to buy him?”

  “No, it was the beauty of your smile and the only way I could apologize without saying it.”

  “Then I shall thank you again but an apology isn’t needed.”

  “It is and long overdue.”

  “You are buying back my affection?”

  “More or less but mostly I am sincerely apologizing.”