The Visitor Read online

Page 14

  “Louis, I can’t say that I am surprised but I must say you spend an awful lot of time doing nothing more than looking for an opportunity to be a gentleman.”

  Louis smiled at her sense of humor.“My attorney loves to schedule lunch meetings allowing me to always pick up the tab one way or the other.” Louis put out his hand and helped Mirisa into the carriage closing the door. “It always makes the day beautiful when I get the opportunity to talk to you.” Louis stepped back and told the driver to go. He tipped his hat and watched as she rode away. Mirisa settled back and thought he was a wonderful man who was more attracted to acquiring things then possessing them.

  Mirisa came through the front door carrying several bags and turned to put them in the library when she saw Meeks sitting behind the desk. Mirisa put the packages down, turned and locked the door. She kissed his lips then his face before she started to unbutton his shirt. Meeks grabbed her hands and pulled her back to his lips wrapping his arms around and brought her forward so that he could caress her. His desire was greater than hers and Mirisa was completely out of control. Meeks consumed her with such authority that she had to grab the edge of the desk to brace herself as she wrapped her legs around him. He was so demanding that they both ended up on the floor exhausted.

  “Mr. Meeks, I missed you so much.” Mirisa kissed him over and over again.

  “How would I know?” Meeks rolled her over on top of him.

  “Well if that wasn’t obvious please let me try again.” Meeks took her face in his hands and kissed her softly.

  “I wish you missed me that much every time I leave the room.”

  “I do, I just don’t want to wear you out.” Meeks got up on his elbows and asked her if she knew where his cigar was because he needed a break. She laughed and handed it to him before she picked up her blouse. “When did you get home?”

  “Somewhere between the third and fourth delivery. I see you were not joking when you said you would shop until I got home. I assume you have finished most of your shopping.”


  “No?” Meeks got up and slipped on his jeans. “I’ll have all the packages moved upstairs so the children can decorate the tree. Do you want to stay in or go out?”

  “I think I want to stay home with you tonight. I get lonely when I’m not sleeping in your arms.” They spent the next two days just being together, shopping, eating out, and playing with the children.

  MIRISA DECIDED to leave the children at the brownstone and rode with Meeks out to the Manor after lunch on Saturday. The staff was in full swing getting the house ready for the fundraiser, so they went into the library and curled up on the couch while Meeks did some paperwork and she read a book. The butler brought them coffee and meat pies around four.

  “Must be nice to be wealthy and spoiled.” Mirisa looked up as James came through the door leaned over and kissed her

  “I’m glad you made it back in time for tonight.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” James sat down and picked up a piece of meat pie and sat back eating it. Garnett and Dominic walked in and Garnett picked up a pocket before acknowledging anyone.

  “Garnett pull the sash, please.” Garnett reached up and pulled it as he picked up the bottle and sat down on the couch next to Mirisa. The butler came in and she asked for more food and fresh coffee. He brought back a tray filled with an assortment of the food they were having on the buffet and left with the other tray. Garnett wasted no time filling a plate. She didn’t know how he stayed so trim when he ate so much.

  Mirisa reached over and ran her fingers across Garnett’s face. “I love the mustache and day old shadow. It makes you extremely enticing.” They all looked at Garnett and Dominic laughed because he knew she was attracted to the rugged look. She put down her book and walked behind his chair leaning over to talk to Dominic quietly. Dominic leaned back and put his hand over hers as he listened. Mirisa returned with a bowl of chocolate.

  “Mirisa, do we get to play before the event?” James lit his cigar watching her.

  “No, I am just in the mood for chocolate and they were sitting on the table so I took them.” Mirisa ate one very, very slowly while keeping her eyes on James.

  “Then can we play in the stable after the event?”

  “Depends on whether or not you know how much whisky it takes to play before I pass out.”

  “I think we’re a pretty good judge of your reactions. What are you drinking tonight?”

  “Nothing, I have to have my wits about me so I don’t do something scandalous.”

  Mirisa put another cream in her mouth and Garnett reached up and turned her head and kissed her. She ran her fingers on his lips. “I really like the mustache.” She kissed him again then ran her thumb down it. Garnett grabbed her wrist putting her fingers in his mouth and sucked off the chocolate. She turned so she was facing Garnett and Meeks grabbed her around the waist and pulled her away.

  “If this is any indication what you are like sober then I don’t think they’ll be able to handle you on whisky tonight.” She laid back looking up at him as she reached over picking up a cherry and biting it before putting it in his mouth.

  “You know I can do that with my toes.”

  “Mirisa, I’m well aware of everything you can do with your toes.” Meeks pulled her back up. “I think it’s time for you to go take a nice relaxing bath and I’ll come up and wash your back.”

  “I love it when you promise me sex in the bathtub.”

  James looked at her. “I didn’t hear that promise.”

  “He was using code words.” She got up on her knees and kissed Meeks before going upstairs. They all loved the times when she slipped back into her playful age.

  The men were all dressed and downstairs talking with Mr. Clancey when Mr. Sinclare arrived. Mirisa came down the stairs in an emerald green gown that had an overlay of gold beaded organza, crossed at her breasts to her hips before it flowed to the floor. Her hair was curled around her face and fastened with gold clips. Around her neck was a cuff of solid gold with silver inlay and emeralds that was so stunning you actually took your eyes off of her to look at it. Meeks walked over to the staircase offering his hand to her.

  “Mr. Clancey, you look so wonderful in a tux. I am counting on you to charm the pants off of all the women tonight though you will have a lot of competition in that department.” She ran her hand across Garnett’s face and wrinkled her nose. Dominic just shook his head because she was going to be bad tonight and they would all play right into her hands. Mirisa looked into Dominic’s eyes and he swore the woman could read your mind because she reached up and kissed him before continuing toward Mr. Sinclare who was watching with his mouth open.

  “Mr. Sinclare, you have done a magnificent job in organizing the fundraiser. Thank you so much for your hard work.”

  “It was refreshing to work with you and I hope I did not impose too much.”

  “You didn’t. My grandmother would approve of your passion.” Mr. Sinclare picked up her hand and kissed it slowly as he marveled at the lights glistening in her eyes. “Please enjoy the evening.”

  The house was decorated in deep maroon and gold with hundreds of tree balls, bows and flowers. On top of each tree and on the tables and mantels were figures of children by four or five different artists. All of the candles were handmade by a local woman and her daughters and they had the most beautiful smell of evergreens and cinnamon.

  Mirisa had discovered a glass blower in the art district who made ornaments which were filled with dried flowers. She spent an hour with her sons watching him work the bellow and then roll the gather of glass, heat it then blow down the long tube before doing it again until he had the shape he wanted. Then she found an artist who made little gingerbread men out of wood and hand painted each one. The other ornament she loved were the little doves that were made using real feathers. Mirisa didn’t dare ask where the rest of the little birds were and just pretended they were gathered from the ground or n

  The tables were covered with hand woven clothes of spun silk in maroon and gold and children’s books were set around in different spots. The entire house was filled with handmade art of every kind including her necklace which her husband had given her as she was dressing. All of the artists and writers were on the guest list because she believed they deserved to be acknowledged for their talent.

  The guests started arriving and she allowed Mr. Sinclare and Mr. Clancey to greet them as they arrived. The men immediately headed for the bar which was set out on the patio. The levered doors were pulled together so that the cold wind did not sweep across the patio and the firepots were lit. The men enjoyed being able to step out of the house and spend time talking and drinking. The gardens were lit with hundreds of candles and torches down to the pond which was surrounded by torches. In the middle of the pond was a handmade life-size figure of children ice skating. It was so magical under the full moon. The outside trees were covered with little tin ornaments that grabbed the flickering lights of the torches making them appear alive.

  James stood on the porch looking down toward the pond. Mirisa came up behind him and he pulled her in front of him holding her. “You really have outdone anything I could have imagined. Sometimes I think you are the true child.” Mirisa thanked him as she looked at how beautiful it was at night. The small band was playing in the corner by the bar and the music was soft and very soothing. The rest of the band was in the front room where the staff was serving champagne and hor’derves.

  The women were more serious at charity functions than their husbands and she spent a lot of time talking to them and introducing Mr. Clancey who was well received. His small paintings went over so well that the men would be donating far more than they intended but the large painting was so touching that even she wanted it. The scene was set in a very warm room with a large opulent Christmas tree and a lot of presents under it. A young girl was down on her knees looking at the presents while her brother was shaking another one. The faces were so perfect but the detail was absolutely phenomenal. The women were actually offering him money to paint their children first. Mirisa left him in the clutches of a room filled with mothers and grandmothers whose only interest was his talent.

  Mirisa found her husband in conversation, slipped her hand through his arm as he leaned down and kissed her. Meeks whispered something to her. She smiled and excused herself. The buffet was absolutely fabulous and the hit of the party. The men could eat standing up or they could sit down and get served, the women weren’t forced to sit through hours of eating and spent most of their time eating finger food and drinking as they socialized. Charisse cornered Mr. Clancey to commission him before Mirisa put her hand on her arm and spoke with her briefly. Garnett watched them interact and met Charisse’s eyes which caused her to smile as she worked across the room to her husband. Garnett knew Jack would donate a lot without being encouraged because the friendship between his wife and Mirisa was too close for his comfort. Garnett decided he would have to give Charisse a tour of the house.

  At nine o’clock they announced that they were going to auction off the Christmas painting as well as several other art pieces that had been donated. Mirisa was standing in the door watching as Mr. Alston started the auction. It was building slowly and when it hit five hundred dollars Mr. Clancey comment that he had not made that much money during the entire year. Mirisa was happy as she heard the auctioneer say seven fifty, seven seventy-five. I have one thousand in the back, one thousand.

  “Ten thousand.”

  Mirisa turned at the voice and found Louis standing against the wall. Louis met Mirisa’s eyes and smiled. She nodded and turned back around. Garnett was standing across the room with James watching Louis and Mirisa. Louis was very good looking and had the money to impress but they didn’t like how friendly Mirisa was to him. Louis won the painting and they went on to the other pieces of art.

  Mirisa and Mr. Clancey found Louis after the auction to thank him for his generous bid.

  “Mr. Sampson may I introduce the artist, Mr. Clancey.”

  Mr. Clancey shook his hand as Mirisa thanked him. “Louis, what are you going to do with a painting of children?”

  “Well, I’m not real fond of them, even thought I have several, so I will donate it to the New York Museum of Art as a permanent piece which will help Mr. Clancey to become better known. I would have much preferred a painting of you.”

  Mr. Clancey looked from one to the other. “I assume you are talking about a less family oriented theme. She would be very easy to paint in the nude.” Mirisa looked at Mr. Clancey and he winked at her.

  “Actually, I already tried to get one but was outbid.” He took his cigar out of his mouth.

  Mirisa looked at him. “You didn’t think it was worth more than five thousand?”

  “I would much rather spend that amount on you instead of a constant reminder of what I haven’t been able to obtain.” Louis smiled. “I think it’s that slight touch of shyness that makes you so appealing.”

  “I assume that your husband sketches you then.” Mr. Clancey smiled. “A man with an incredible eye for the smallest detail. Maybe I should see if he wants my services after the holidays.”

  “Mr. Clancey, do not encourage Mr. Sampson or my husband. The fewer paintings of me in private collections the better.” Mirisa excused herself and went out to the bar to get a shot of whisky. James was talking to friends when she turned while sipping on the whisky. The men all raised their eyebrows as James put his arm around her waist and talked to her quietly. They watched her face as Mirisa reacted to James before she recomposed herself and walked on. They all watched her walk away and James just smiled at the possibilities of the night.

  The band moved inside as the guests started the dance. Louis walked up behind her and took her out on the floor. Mirisa thanked him again for his generosity and for the boxes of candy. At the end of the dance, Meeks walked out and took her hand. Mirisa’s face softened as he took her in his arms and he kept her on the floor for several songs before Garnett took her and refused to release her for over half an hour. Garnett made her laugh and she told him he was so damn attractive that she didn’t know if she could be good while in his arms. Garnett asked her what she was wearing and she told him green with gold threading in the newest French style. Garnett told Mirisa that was not what he asked. Mirisa danced most of the night and finally excused herself and asked Mr. Sinclare and Alston to meet her in the library. She handed them both a small envelope and thanked them for all their hard work in putting the event together.

  “We made so much money tonight that I think we outdid all of our accounts this year.” Mr. Sinclare took her hand and thanked her for all the wonderful ideas and help in making it a great fundraiser. “I have to compliment you on your ability to separate a man from his money. I believe if I had any and you wanted it I would hand it over without question.” She smiled and thanked him.

  Charisse came down the stairs as Mirisa came out of the library.

  “Can I talk to you a moment in the library?”

  Charisse smiled and when she stepped into the library Mirisa closed the door. “Have I done something wrong?”

  Mirisa laughed. “Hardly. I just didn’t want you going back out with the back of your hair in disarray.” Mirisa pulled out her hair pins and let her hair fall down twisting it back up so that it was perfect. “There now you look just like you did before you went upstairs.”

  “Thank you.”

  Mirisa opened the door and Meeks watched as they came out chatting quietly before breaking out in laughter. Garnett handed Meeks a shot and watched the two of them stop and talk to an older couple as the butler handed the gentleman his coat and assisted the lady with her cape. “Your sister is a good influence on Mirisa.”

  “Mirisa is a bad influence on my sister.”

  Garnett laughed. “Well, I guess it is a good exchange.”

  The last of the couples left around one o’clock with just a
handful of men still on the patio drinking. Mirisa was standing by the front door as Mr. Clancey said his goodbyes and told her that he would have her paintings to her before Christmas. Mirisa thanked him for all of his help then turned to find Louis waiting to thank her.

  Without warning, Louis pulled her up to him and kissed her with purpose. Mirisa put her hands on his chest backing away and thought it was a shame because he could kiss very well. Dominic stopped in his tracks. He walked up behind them and stood next to her as Louis said goodnight to both of them.

  “He’s lucky I’m not wearing a gun.” Mirisa knew he wasn’t being facetious.

  “Happy Birthday Dominic. I think maybe I miss this day more than any other.”

  "One last dance?"

  Mirisa smiled because she could hear Garnett at the piano. Mirisa took Dominic’s arm as Garnett continued to play the slow waltzes knowing they were both struggling with the day.

  James and Meeks walked up with Mr. Alston and Sinclare who were the last to leave the Manor. Mirisa thanked them again and they told her that giving away the paintings was very successful in upping the contributions. They said their goodbyes and as Dominic closed the door she turned and started for the stairs.


  “Yes, James.”

  “Can I see your necklace?” She walked over and he unfastened it and turned it over. Designed into the gold, Meeks had scrolled Mirisa in the hay.

  “Will you marry me?”

  “Will you give me a baby?” James looked up in her eyes.

  “I’ll give you whatever you want.”

  Meeks laughed. “James, you are so easy.”

  Mirisa thought about their light banter and said goodnight before she went up the stairs. Meeks lit a cigar and asked if anyone was in the mood for a nightcap and walked into the ballroom where Garnett was still playing. He took out a bottle of extremely expensive bourbon and poured shots, handing one to Garnett. There was a chocolate cake sitting on the table beyond the piano with fresh coffee and presents. Meeks raised his glass. “To good friends and the most challenging ten years since we have been together.”