The Visitor_Texas 1863_1869 Read online

Page 11

“We’re going home for a few weeks.”

  “Just us?”

  “No, Tom is heading back with us and Alexander is staying with the Ross boys and finishing the house.”

  The trip home was uneventful and they spent every minute working or attending small dinners. Mirisa had a long talk with the doctor who assured her that the problem was probably due to the stress of being shot and nothing that should cause her concern. He told her to keep a journal and showed her how to determine the optimal times for conception. Dominic ended up buying more wagons filling them with household items for the new house. They went to several estate sales but Mirisa bought mostly furniture for the smaller rooms until she found a beautiful desk that was designed for a woman.

  Riding up from the South, James saw them coming in from the east with two wagons so he changed directions to catch up with them. “What are you doing back? Is there a problem?”

  “No we finished everything.”

  “The new men and supplies arrived without incident last week. And the new furniture arrived from Houston so we just put it in the center of the house so it didn’t interfere with the workers. Did you bring cigars and whisky?” James dropped back and lifted the corner of the tarp over the wagon and saw the crates of whisky. He brought his horse back in line. “Good man!”

  Dominic had the men unload the personal things in the new house before he gave them instructions on how to get to the stables with the wagon. He was brushing down the horses while talking to James when Meeks and Garnett rode up.

  “How was the trip?”

  “Uneventful.” Dominic opened the gate and latched it behind him.

  Meeks reached up lifting Mirisa down from the railing. He tipped her chin up so he could look at her. “Even after riding all day, you are a beautiful sight.”

  Dominic shook his head and asked if he wanted to help unload the whisky or get shot.

  “I’d much rather make passes at your wife but a good cigar might pull me away.”

  Garnett dismounted. “I thought you were coming back sooner.”

  “There was more to do than I thought.” Mirisa watched the exchange between them and wondered what it meant since James was surprised that they came back so soon. “I think we need a good game of poker tonight.”

  They all agreed and opened the personal crates. They headed to the adobe where there was more room to store the whisky and cigars that had been stacked in the great room. Mirisa stayed behind and decided she really needed to get the road dirt out of her hair. She unpacked her trunk, undressed putting on her robe and walked down to the river. Facing the mountains she submerged herself into the cold water and slowly washed her hair. It felt so good but she was glad that Dominic bought a large copper tub for the house even though it was still in the crate. She turned and started to come out of the water to find Dominic standing on the bank holding her robe. The cold water made her even more alluring.

  “You do know that it is broad daylight and you can be seen from Colorado.” Dominic smiled as Mirisa slipped into the robe before she turned around facing him. “Do you find the view unpleasant?”

  “Mirisa, no one found the view unpleasant.” Her eyes got wide and she realized that they were all standing on the porch as he realized his mistake. She looked back up at him before she picked up her soaps and walked up to the house as he followed.

  “Mirisa.” She looked at Meeks biting her lip. “Great view from the porch.”

  She turned red but walked past them into the house. Dominic picked up his cigar and relit it deciding to just let it take whatever course it did. He couldn’t deny that they all stood there for at least five minutes mesmerized by her before he realized that she had to turn around and come out of the water.

  Mirisa came out drying her hair and James watched her with interest. She had obviously changed a lot in the last year but he really didn’t know if he could ever handle riding behind her again. She turned and looked at him as though he had said it out loud. “Don’t say it.” Mirisa took his glass and sat down on the steps continuing to brush out her hair.

  “Mirisa.” She looked over at Garnett. “I am really sorry I didn’t steal your affections away from Dominic.” She ignored him.

  “Mirisa.” James turned on the railing and leaned out looking at her.

  “Do you want to totally embarrass me or do you merely want to apologize.” Her tone was furious. She turned to her husband. “And just how damn long were all of you standing here enjoying the view?”

  Dominic looked at her. “Long enough to take my breath away.”

  “Don’t any of you talk to me!” She had her hair in one hand and was pulling the tangles out of it.

  “Have you always had that birth mark?” She stood, turned toward Meeks simultaneously throwing the brush but he was just a little faster than her.

  “I think your behavior is horrible and I think you all owe me an apology and I shall not speak to any of you until you realize that.” She went into the house and slammed the bedroom door.

  Dominic stood thinking about it.

  “Well, are you going to go calm her down?”

  “That’s a hard question to answer because, for once, I think I am in more trouble than the three of you combined.”

  “Well, it’s not like we knew she would be out there.”

  “No, but she’s right that we owe her an apology.”

  “Personally, I have nothing to apologize for because I absolutely loved that view.” James picked up her glass which was still full and walked into the house. “Want to draw straws?”

  “I want to pay someone else to go in there. I think that was probably a bad move on my part and I can’t even blame you this time.” Dominic put down his cigar, took off his gun and put it up on the bar and headed for the door.

  “You know she has her own gun. You might want to rethink taking that off.”

  “Guess the least we can do is arrange the furniture so we’re comfortable while we wait for the shot.”

  He opened the door and found her sitting in the large window seat that looked out over the river. He sat down facing her but she wouldn’t look at him. He really was at a loss to explain what happened. “Mirisa.” She looked at him. “I’m sorry. I have no explanation for that except sometimes I just don’t think. That was entirely my fault.”

  “Dominic.” She turned away from him because she just had never felt so exposed in her life. Today made her realize that her sex would always stand between her and them.


  “And you have no problems at all with them seeing me?” She was really furious at him.

  “Yes but you had your back to them so it’s not like...” Dominic trailed off because there really was no excuse. Mirisa knew he would win but she would be damned if it would be easy. It took him almost an hour to calm her down and by then he wanted her but knew the last thing he would get that night was her affection.

  Dominic came out of the bedroom and lit his cigar picked up his drink and sat down with them. “I must be getting too soft.”

  “Well, we were a little insensitive I guess.” Meeks didn’t look at all sorry.

  “I just can’t apologize for something that beautiful.” Dominic shook his head as James continued. “Sorry, if she were standing in a saloon, I would probably go broke and pray that I would die in her bed. I think the only problem is you’re not willing to share.”

  Garnett didn’t respond but instead got up and went into the bedroom closing the door. He sat down on the window seat but didn’t speak right away. “You know it’s only been two years since you stepped out of that coach but it feels like you have always been with us.” Mirisa looked at him. “That was very inconsiderate of us, not so much that we enjoyed watching you, but that we let you know that we had. It makes it very awkward considering how much we really do love you.” Garnett reached over and took her hand. “You can’t help being as attractive as you are becoming and you are becoming more attractive by the day and we can�
��t help the fact that you effect us no matter how hard we deny it to ourselves. I can apologize for my manners but I can’t for my feelings. I’m sorry.” He let go of her hand and stood up.

  “Garnett.” He turned and looked at her. She didn’t know what to say because she was so hurt and embarrassed. Garnett bent over her and kissed her.

  “The only thing that keeps any of us from crossing that line is your husband. None of us have the moral makeup not to try to entice you away from another man except for who that man is. Don’t ever doubt my love for you. Ever.” Garnett stood, put out his hand and though she didn’t want to face any of them she knew they would not allow her to sulk even if they were wrong. She sat down in the large chair near the fire curling her legs under her.

  James looked at her and took his cigar out of his mouth. “I am not apologizing to you because I am still stunned at your beauty and I would do it again.”

  “I expect that behavior from Meeks, not you.” She didn’t take her eyes off of him

  “Well, I can understand that.” Meeks poured another shot and passed the bottle to Dominic.

  “And you don’t think you owe me an apology either?”

  “For being rude, probably, for enjoying looking at you absolutely not but that’s not the first time I have had the pleasure.” He was challenging her and she knew it.

  “Probably not but it’s the first time I have been aware of you.” She stopped the sentence because she knew that you couldn’t explain it to them.

  “Mirisa, you can get upset but it won’t change how we feel or the fact that there’s not a one of us who wouldn’t pursue you. It’s the simple truth and everyone except you knows it.” She looked at Meeks then at her husband.

  Meeks didn’t think she should be treated with kid gloves despite the fact that she was still very young. She needed to know what effect she had on men because not everyone would care like they did. He still wondered if Dominic made the right choice to fall in love with her and bring her into this world of theirs. She had so little experience, so little maturity and was constantly protected by one of them. Meeks knew he would be the one most likely to cross the line which is why Dominic never left him alone with her.

  “And how am I supposed to deal with what you have said?”

  “By understanding that sometimes we are totally insensitive solely because we are men. You are still such a child but we’re not.” Dominic knew Meeks long enough to know he didn’t care if she was married but it was hard to tell his intent.

  She ignored them the rest of the evening and finally walked out onto the porch. There was peacefulness to the sounds of the night. James got up to get another cigar and put it on the table as followed her out onto the porch. She had the shawl tight around herself as she stood looking out across the river watching the fireflies in the trees. He wrapped his arms around her as he whispered in her ear. “I’m sorry.” She leaned back against him but didn’t say anything so he just held her.

  “James, I think you need to take your hands off of my wife.” Dominic sat on the railing facing them. She looked at Dominic and wondered what he really thought of their behavior or even hearing the things they said. If Dominic cared, would he have allowed them to stand there for as long as they did? He always sounded so calm and yet there was something in Dominic’s voice that was menacing but not in a way she expected. James walked over to the other railing and leaned against the post. Meeks and Garnett came out and Meeks leaned over speaking to her. “I know he apologized even if he wouldn’t do it in front of us. James is right, you are naturally beautiful.”

  Mirisa turned and looked at all of them. “You know I think I felt better before the apologies.”

  “Probably but you are the only one who has never seen it. Nothing’s changed except you now have to deal with the reality of other men finding you as attractive as your husband does.”

  “Meeks do you think you can get any more brutally honest.” Garnett was sitting down on the steps below her.

  “Sure but I don’t know if she’s old enough for that type of honesty.” He lit his cigar and looked into her eyes. She understood why women surrendered to him whether they were married or not. And she was very sure that he had bed an awful lot of women.

  Dominic reached out for her and she went to him without thinking. “I’m not sure you want an apology from Meeks.” They all laughed but she just looked at Meeks. He was so dangerous. They were all dangerous and she kept forgetting that.

  They were peeling her innocence like an onion.

  DOMINIC and Garnett rode to Austin for business but Mirisa decided to stay at home so that she could unpack the crates and stock the pantry. She spent the days alone which gave her time to settle into the house. Mirisa had picked out quilts and small knick knacks for the bedrooms in the adobe and spent the morning making it more homelike. She set a large clay vase on the coffee table putting logs in the fireplaces and lit them. Mirisa put the extra cookware and dishes in the cabinets realizing that they were living a very simple lifestyle with no comforts at all or with the impression that they would pack up and leave at the drop of a hat. She had brought back many utensils that made preparing meals easier as well as a new thicker tin coffeepot.

  Mirisa changed the sheets on the beds and put clean towels in the bath chambers with the handmade soaps. Then she unpacked the books and put them on the shelves that were built into the wall. When she was happy with the results, she walked down to the river and gathered wildflowers and put them in the vase. The adobe took on such a warm homey feel. Mirisa took out a chicken that Ross had sent over and stuffed it with left over cornbread sliding it in the oven to slow roast with fresh vegetables. Soon the adobe was filled with the smell of dinner. Mirisa went back to her house and finished unpacking two of the larger crates of kitchen utensils and dishware.

  Meeks and James spent the day working at the stables. They stopped in the doorway of the adobe taking in the changes. There was a plate of chocolate cookies sitting on the counter and a big bowl of fresh vegetables but the house had a terrific aroma seeping from the oven.

  Meeks picked up a cookie and headed for his room to change. He smiled when he saw the quilt and pillows along with a decorative lantern with a little doily underneath it and a small white box. He opened it to find an assortment of chocolate candy and a thank you note.

  Dominic and Garnett were gone longer than anticipated but for the first time she didn’t worry or show concern. She fell asleep on the couch so Meeks put a blanket over her while James started to turn down the lanterns. His touch caused her to open her eyes. “Sorry, I didn’t want to wake you.”

  Mirisa sat up as Meeks picked up the glasses and put them in the sink. She stood up folding the blanket carefully draping it on the back of the couch. “I know you have put up a wall around me. I can feel it and yet I know that it needs to be there because it is not you who is struggling with feelings but me. Crossing the line isn’t about you crossing it but about me inviting it.” She said goodnight and retired to her room.

  Meeks had never been rendered speechless but he realized just how fragile the relationship had become between the five of them and though they all knew and accepted their own physical desires they never thought about hers. Meeks knew she would regret that statement but maybe that was the reason she took them so seriously.

  Mirisa was up early the next morning and sat out on the steps of the porch drinking coffee as the smell of biscuits filled the house. Meeks came out and sat down next to her.

  “I don’t know what to say to you this morning but those things aren’t said by a happily married woman.”

  “I married Dominic a few weeks after I met him. I did not know him at all. I didn’t know any of you.” She looked at him. “If you make me love you how do I deal with it?”

  “You are right. For once I have no answer.” Meeks reached over and picked up her hand studying it. Just his touch was more then she could handle and he knew it. He rubbed his thumb over her wrist as
she closed her eyes. Bending over, Meeks kissed her so softly, got up and walked toward the stable. James was standing in the doorway holding the pot in one hand and his cup in the other. James filled her cup sitting down next to her.

  James looked out across the river. “None of us are innocent in what this has become but I really don’t know what to do. Your statement pretty much shocked both of us last night.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No, it was very honest and it made us both realize that we really have never considered your feelings in anything we have said or done. We always assumed that your love for Dominic was so strong that what we did was harmless.”

  “My love for Dominic is very strong. However, I react each time one of you comforts me and I know you do it out of love because you don’t have to. If you didn’t care so much, you wouldn’t go to the measures you do knowing that Dominic can’t. I wish he could and I wish I had known how empty a marriage could be outside the bedroom. I don’t know when it changed. I’ve tried to figure that part out but I just don’t know.”

  He reached over and pulled her over to him as she rested her head on his shoulder. They knew; they just didn’t know how to stop it anymore. “I still want to see the birthmark.” She smiled and hit his arm. Meeks came back down the path and asked her if she wanted to stay home or ride with them. She said she’d go with them and went inside to change.

  Neither James nor Meeks wanted to discuss it as they saddled the horses. They spent most of the day riding the ranch checking the stock. They were putting a section of the fence back up when Mirisa saw Dominic and Garnett coming from the west. Dominic came up along side of her, reached over and lifted her off the ground. She smiled and kissed him.

  “Did you miss me?”

  “So much so I thought I would have to use your friends for my selfish pleasure.”

  Dominic looked into her eyes and knew what she was saying. “Then I’ll have to remember not to leave you home again.” He put her back down, dismounted and went over to help fix the fence.